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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Signs & Symptoms


Risk Factors






Phototherapy is a type of bright-light therapy that is administered to patients with SAD, especially in the winter. Exposure to natural or artificial light suppresses the brain’s secretion of melatonin. The eyes are exposed to atleast 2500 lx of artificial visible light at eye level (distance of about 1 meter) first thing in the morning (Terman et al., 1989). This light is emitted in high intensity through specially designed light boxes. To give an estimate, there is around 100 lx in a house, 2000 lx outside on a rainy winter day or 10,000 lx in direct sunshine (Partonen, 1998). Patients receive daily administration of bright light therapy usually in their own homes (Terman et al., 1989). Generally, higher intensities and shorter exposures yielded best response rates. A patient shows response to this treatment within 1-2 weeks and after this point, exposure is maintained for 5 times a week for the duration of winter. Side effects of this treatment can include eyestrain and headaches, but they are usually not serious (Partonen, 1998).

Drug Therapies

Drug Therapies Antidepressants may be given to treat SAD. The antidepressant drugs administered for SAD include sertraline, fluoxetine and moclobemide, which are selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Some studies suggest that since tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin and melatonin, it may be beneficial in conjunction with phototherapy (Rodin and Thompson, 1997)


Preliminary research suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy can be useful in improving cognitive and behavioral for individuals with seasonal affective disorder. This type of therapy aids in changing patients’ automatic thoughts, dysfunctional attitudes, withdrawal and rumination. CBT is also effective in preventing relapse since the effects of CBT persist even beyond formal sessions (Rohan et al., 2004).

Combined Treatment

Phototherapy, psychotherapy and drug therapies can be combined, but there remains the risk of over arousal. Combined treatment is ideal for patients who have no response to phototherapy or drug therapy alone (Rodin and Thompson, 1997).

Other Therapies/Prevention

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Increase the amount of light at home
  • Meditation
  • Stress management
  • Relocate to area with more sun



Partonen, T. (1998) Seasonal affective disorder. The Lancet, 352(9137): 1369-1374.

Rodin, I. and Thompson, C. (1997) Seasonal Affective Disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 3: 352-359.

Rohan et al. (2004). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, light therapy, and their combination in treating seasonal affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 80: 273-283.

Terman et al. (1989). Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Review of Efficacy. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2(1): 1-22.

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