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people:lepaludm 2011/04/20 16:00 people:lepaludm 2012/04/11 12:56 current
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===== Michelle LePalud ===== ===== Michelle LePalud =====
-{{ :people:profile:lepaludm.jpg?180x429|Michelle LePalud}} \\ + \\ 
-M.A.Sc. Graduate Student - Biomedical Engineering, //[[http://msbe.mcmaster.ca//|McMaster University]]//, June 2009 - Present \\  +M.A.Sc. Biomedical Engineering, //[[http://msbe.mcmaster.ca//|McMaster University]]//, 2009 - 2012 \\  
-B.Sc., Biophysics Coop, // [[http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/|University of Guelph]]//, December 2008 \\+B.Sc. Biophysics - Coop, // [[http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/|University of Guelph]]// \\
\\ \\
- +\\ 
-**Contact Information**\\ +**E-Mail Address** - lepaluml, mcmaster ca 
-Office: ITB 224 \\ +\\
-Email: [[lepaluml@mcmaster.ca]] \\+
\\ \\
**Mailing Address** \\ **Mailing Address** \\

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