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reusing_existing_portfolio_pages [2016/07/01 13:02]
reusing_existing_portfolio_pages [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 ====== Reusing Existing Portfolio Assets ====== ====== Reusing Existing Portfolio Assets ======
-When you have multiple projects (such as portfolios, blogs, or pages), you can reuse sections ​or pages across projects. In other words, you can reuse parts from one portfolio in another.+When you have multiple projects (such as portfolios, blogs, or pages), you can reuse assets ​or pages across projects. In other words, you can reuse parts from one portfolio in another
 +==== Reusing Portfolio Assets ==== 
 +Whenever you upload an asset (a video, an image, or other type of file) to use in a PebblePad project, it's automatically saved to the Asset Store. So the next time you choose an image for an image block, you can immediately choose from all the image assets that you've previously uploaded to PebblePad from a side panel. The same applies to video, audio, and banner blocks
 ==== Reusing Pages ==== ==== Reusing Pages ====
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 **Note**: You can only reuse pages that you’ve saved in other projects (you cannot have duplicate pages in the original project). **Note**: You can only reuse pages that you’ve saved in other projects (you cannot have duplicate pages in the original project).
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