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This page details many of the same things that we do in our Fundamentals of Avenue To Learn workshop. This workshop is a blended workshop - meaning that you will have viewed the resources on this page, maybe tried some of these tasks in a course shell.


Before setting up your course in Avenue, you have to ensure that your macid is active and that you have an account in Avenue. Please visit our Basics page for more information.


For most of you, this will be the most used tool in your course. This is where you will post your lecture notes, materials and resources for your course.

Here's how to add content to your course:

Please note that you must first create a module in order to start creating your content. Here's how to create a module:


Add a file from your computer, create an HTML file and add a website URL to a module called “Resources” in your course.


This tool is one of the most effective in communicating with your students as it is the first thing they see once they access your course. You can provide announcements, course updates and important information through the News tool.

How to create a news item:


Create a welcome message to your students and provide information about your first class in a news item.

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