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embedding_videos_into_portfolios [2016/05/26 16:12]
maizlinn created
embedding_videos_into_portfolios [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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-Currently, Pebble+ only supports videos from YouTube or personal files.+{{:​pebblepad:​pplogo.png?​nolink|}}
-To embed YouTube videos, such as those of your projects, click on the “+ Add Content” button at the top of the page and press on the block with the camera or YouTube icon.+======Embedding Videos Into Portfolios======
-{{:video_-2.jpg?700|}}+Currently, Pebble+ only supports videos from YouTube and personal files.
-Tip: To add variety to your portfolioyou can place a block beside another, already existing block. To do this, hold and drag the block you wish to add until a blue stripe appears ​on the side of the block already on the page. You can also choose whether to place the new block above or below an already exciting block.+To embed videosclick on the “+ Add Content” button at the top of the page. Then press either on the the camera ​block (to upload videos from your personal files) ​or the YouTube icon (to upload videos from YouTube).
-To upload a YouTube video, simply paste the desired URL into the block.+{{:video_-2.jpg?800|}}
-To upload a personal video file, select the Video block and click on its “Open asset store” button. A menu will appear on the right side prompting you to upload the desired ​file.+====Uploading YouTube videos==== 
 +To upload ​a YouTube video, simply paste the URL of the desired YouTube video into the text area in the block. 
 +====Uploading personal videos==== 
 +To use a personal video file, select the Video block and click on its “Open asset store” button. A side panel will appear on the rightprompting you to upload ​a recent video asset in PebblePad. You can also select "​Upload"​ in the same menu to upload a new video asset to PebblePad. 
 +**Tip:** Once any type of file (ex. video or image) has been uploaded once to Pebble+, its thumbnail will immediately appear in the upload menu of recently modified assets.
-**Tip: Once any type of file (ex. video or image) has been uploaded once to Pebble+, its thumbnail will immediately appear as an option to upload to any future blocks in the menu. 
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