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connecting_google_drive_dropbox_mozilla_backpack_and_microsoft_onedrive [2016/07/01 14:56]
connecting_google_drive_dropbox_mozilla_backpack_and_microsoft_onedrive [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 {{:​external_service_-3.jpg?​700|}} {{:​external_service_-3.jpg?​700|}}
-5. When you are working on a project (such as a portfolio), you can access the images and other files from the connected service. They will automatically appear in your most recent assets when choosing to upload an image or other types of files. ​+5. When you are working on a project (such as a portfolio), you can quickly ​access the images and other files from the connected service; they will automatically appear in your most recent assets when choosing to upload an image or other types of files. ​
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