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Alcohol Consumption

Beverages such as beer, wine and spirits contain the major ingredient alcohol, also known ethanol or ethyl alcohol, in its consumable form (What is alcohol, 2018). It is formed from a fermentation process involving yeast or bacteria breaking down certain sugars in the absence of oxygen. In specifics, wine is made from the sugar in grapes, beer from the sugar in malted barley (a type of grain) as well as rye, cider from the sugar in apples, vodka from the sugar in potatoes, beets or root plants (What is alcohol, 2018). After the fermentation process, the by-products include ethanol and carbon dioxide, which increases based on how long the sugars are left to ferment (What is alcohol, 2018). Certain spirits also undergo an additional distillation process, in which a portion of water is removed to allow a stronger concentration of alcohol and flavour to be created (What is alcohol, 2018).

Based on a study by NIH (2017), a standard drink is:

  • 16oz red solo cup (12oz of alcohol)
  • 12 ounce beer (5% alcohol by volume)
  • 5 ounce glass of wine (12% alcohol by volume)
  • 1.5 ounce shot of hard liquor (40% alcohol)

Figure 1. A diagram depicting what a standard drink looks like across different types of alcohol (NIH, 2017).

The prevalence of alcohol consumption around the world, based on the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), stated that 86.4% of people in the world ages 18 and above reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their life, while 70.15% reported that they drank alcohol in the past year, and 56.0% reported that they drank within in the recent month (NIH, 2017). Reports have also been conducted on the number of people that binge drink, which is a pattern of drinking that leaves the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08g/dL consistently, as well as reports on heavy alcohol use, defined as binge drinking 5 or more days in a month (NIH, 2017). Thus it has been noted that 26.9% reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the recent month, while 7.0% reported that they engaged in heavy alcohol use in the recent month (NIH, 2017). Globally it has been seen that Russia, Portugal, Grenada and Andorra are ranked the highest in alcohol consumption, with Russia ranked highest, at more than 12.5 liters per person over the age of 15 as of 2010 (Boseley, 2016). Breaking that down further, between males and females it has been noted that men drink relatively more than women, however as of late women have been quickly catching up to the amount of alcohol they consume (Federation, 2011). It has been suggested however by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, that moderate drinking for women should be up to 1 drink per day up to 2 drinks per day for men (NIA, 2018). Yet it also has been noted that for the average man, alcohol consumption is at about 13 drinks per week, with age of drinking peaking at 25 years old, while women peaked at 4 drinks per week (Boseley, 2016).

Figure 2. Global prevalence of alcohol consumption across the world (Federation, 2011).

The "Drunk" Phase

The alcohol found with these beverages cause the known feelings of “drunkenness.” Drunkenness occurs when a large proportion of alcohol enters one’s system and bloodstream at the same time, causing many physical and mental symptoms to result dependent of level of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels (What are the, 2018). BAC is defined as the percent of blood that is concentrated with alcohol. For instance, a BAC of 0.10g/dL means that 0.1% of your blood is comprised of alcohol (What are the, 2018). A further explanation of BAC levels can be found below in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Stages of alcohol consumption based on blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels (What are the, 2018).

Drunk Physiology

Alcohol is also known as a sedative hypnotic drug based on its ability to depress the central nervous system at high levels. At low levels though, alcohol can act as a stimulant to allow feelings of talkativeness and euphoria and eventual drowsiness and respiratory depression as consumption continues (What is alcohol, 2018). Alcohol is first process in the liver where it is responsible for detoxifying and removing the alcohol from the blood. The time it takes for your liver to absorb and metabolize the alcohol in the liver actually depends on the alcoholic content of the drink and other factors such as if you have eaten (What happened when, 2018). A standard drink however can be metabolized between every 60-90 minutes (What happened when, 2018). When your liver is unable to keep up with you consumption of alcoholic drinks, the central nervous system can become depressed and the rest of the unmetabolized alcohol goes to other parts of the body (What happened when, 2018).

From a top-down perspective of the body, a drinker’s eyes can become blurred and vision can become severely impaired. Their speech can slur and be comprehensible with the added effects of impaired disjointed thought processes (What happened when, 2018). The body can begin sweating become red as well. Ethnicities such as Eastern Asians have exhibited red flush reaction to an extreme because of alcohol due to a condition associated with accumulation of acetaldehyde, a metabolic by-product of the catabolic metabolism of alcohol, and the inability to break it down because of a genetic deficiency of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in approximately 36% of Eastern Asians (Brooks et al., 2009). Besides flushed skin however, the body can also extremely dehydrated from frequent urination, large mobility issues and imbalance, as well as at more volatile amounts drinkers can experience vomiting, nausea and shallow breathing at higher alcohol amounts (What happened when, 2018).

Figure 4. Physiological effects of alcohol consumption based on body organ (What happened when, 2018).

Affected Brain Regions (Lemouse, 2018):

  • Cerebral cortex: Alcohol depresses the behavioral inhibitory center, making poor decisions and judgement that the person more likely would not do under normal circumstances. Slowing down of information processing is also exhibited from the eyes, ears, mouth, and other senses. In addition the inhibition of thought processes, making it more difficult to think clearly.
  • Hypothalamus and pituitary gland: Alcohol depresses the central nervous system and the centers of the the hypothalamus that control sexual performance and arousal. In many cases sexual urges may increase but sexual performance may also decrease.
  • Cerebellum: Movement and balance is impaired causing staggering and off-balance.
  • Medulla: Sleepiness is induced, also resulting in slow breathing and lower body temperature, both life threatening if further impaired.

Figure 5. Effects of alcohol consumption based on major parts of the brain (Lemouse, 2018).

Drunk Neurochemistry


The "Blackout" Phase

Blackouts are a reaction to the consumption of alcohol which impacts memory. It’s the inability to recall any memories that may have been formed during the period of intoxication. During this period a person can often remember what they are doing and saying for a two minute period and thus carry on conversations (Blacking Out vs. Passing Out, 2018).

Type's of Blackouts

There are two kinds of blackouts; the first is referred to as an en bloc or a complete blackout which nothing is remembered from the previous night. The second is a partial or fragmentary blackout where cueing can assist in memory recall. During extreme intoxications levels, one’s episodic memory can dysfunction, that is their ability to encode memories with spatial and social context (Lee, Roh & Kim, 2009). While there are multiple memory systems within the brain, recent publications show that alcohol may alter the hippocampus and related structures on a cellular level. Typically, blackouts occur when there is a rapid increase in blood alcohol consumption. Despite this, not all individuals experience blackouts suggesting genetic factors influence the CNS vulnerability to alcohol (Lee, Roh & Kim, 2009). As a result, some individuals are more likely to develop alcoholism, some may have altered perceptions of their experiences when intoxicated while some experience positive aspects and others negative (Lee, Roh & Kim, 2009).

Blackout Physiology

A recent study done in Washington University School of Medicine, scientists have identified certain brain cells involved in blackouts (Dryden, 2011). While the previous understanding of the effects of alcohol on the brain suggested that it lead to cell death, new research shows that alcohol actually interferes with receptors in the brain. These interferences manufacture steroids that inhibit long-term potentiation (LPT), a process that strengthens the connections between neurons and is crucial to memory & learning (Dryden, 2011). The specific mechanism involves receptors NMDA that transmit glutamate. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that carries signals between neurons. Interestingly, NMDA receptors must maintain a fine balance where too much activity and too little can be toxic. When alcohol exposure reaches these receptors some are inhibited while others later become activated, which causes neurons to release steroids that inhibit LTP and thus memory formation. These brain cells are found in the hippocampus, and their dysfunction interferes with your brains synaptic plasticity (Dryden, 2011).

Blackout Neurochemistry

The main factor that leads to the memory loss associated with blackouts is dysfunction within the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the location of the brain that is associated with formulating and retaining memories. Blackouts are due to the brain being unable to transform short-term memories into long term memories. This disruption, at its core, is due to dose-dependent disruptions of the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, which is essential for the development of new memories (Rose & Grant, 2010). It has been found that drinking alcohol leads to a suppression of hippocampal pyramidal cell activity (White, 2003).

When drinking, a multitude of neurotransmitters are activated, including dopamine, opioids norepinephrine, serotonin, gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate. It is known that dopamine leads to further reinforcing drinking habits as it leads to the perception of reward, while GABA is associated with the sedative-like effects. Low doses of alcohol act on GABAA receptors while high concentrations of alcohol antagonize glutamate releasing receptors known as N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (White, 2003). GABAA receptors mediate rapid inhibitory neurotransmission throughout the central nervous system via the release of choloride ions when bound to GABA. These inhibitions lead to decreased anxiety, impaired motor coordination, increased aggressive behaviour, impaired cognitive function, and sedation. It should be noted that not all GABA receptors are activated the same, as some are activated by low-doses of alcohol, while some are specifically activated under high concentrations of alcohol. Alcohol leads to an increase in GABAergic neurotransmission directly (by acting as a GABA agonist) and indirectly via endogenous GABAergic neuroactive steroids (such as allopregnanolone), presynaptic release of GABA, and dephosphorylation of GABAA receptors which in turn leads to an increase in GABA sensitivity (Kumar et al., 2009).

Figure 6. Alcohol actively inhibits the reception of GABA on post-synaptic clefts (Clapp, Bhave, & Hoffman, 2008).

The inhibition of the NMDA receptors leads to an impairment of recognition memory as they are necessary for the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP), which is the ability of neurons to establish long-lasting and highly responsive signals from other cells. Recognition memory, also known as episodic memory is the ‘type’ of memory which assists in recollection and familiarity. The downregulation of NMDA and the potentiation of GABAA receptor transmission leads to a decrease in LTP (Lee, Roh, & Kim, 2009). Individuals are found to be able to remember events immediately after drinking, but are unable to remember the same event as short as 30 minutes later (Rose & Grant, 2010).

Figure 7. NMDA receptors are downregulated when exposed to high levels of alcohol, leading to an inhibition of its signals which are essential for the development of long term memories (Clapp, Bhave, & Hoffman, 2008).

Though the hippocampus is the main region of the brain that is effected with alcohol, it is not the only part of the brain that does. The medial septum is a structure in the forebrain is critical to hippocampal function as it sends both excitatory and inhibitory signals, known as theta rhythm, to the hippocampus leading to hippocampal pyramidal cell activity changes. This indicates that this theta rhythm acts as a ‘gatekeeper’ to determine if information sent to the hippocampus will be processed. It has been found that the theta rhythm is disrupted with alcohol consumption by suppressing the output of signals from the medial septal neurons to the hippocampus. The frontal lobe is important for short term memory, as well as forming and retrieving long term memories. It has been shown that chronic alcohol use damages the frontal lobe, thus further impairing memory development and recollection. Though not clearly explained, acute consumption of alcohol has been shown to impair frontal lobe functions, such as planning, decision making, and impulse control (White, 2003).

Figure 8. Other brain regions involved in the blackout phase of drinking. To highlight, the forebrain, with a focus on the medial septum (White, 2003).

The "Hungover" Phase


Hungover Physiology


Hungover Neurochemistry

So far, the most convincing hypothesis as to what causes a hangover is our own immune response. Specifically, it has been shown that cytokines communicate with our brain. Peripherally released cytokines are mediated by the nervus vagus pathway, and thus have an effect on the central nervous system. These cytokine receptors are localized within glial cells and neurons throughout the brain, but are highly concentrated within the hippocampus and signal to the brain to up-regulate the cytokines when needed. As-per the theory, it is thought that the effects of cytokines tend to mimic the symptoms of hangovers, therefore, they may share a similar underlying process. Specifically, cerebral cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α are related to the sickness behaviour including weakness, lack of concentration, lowered appetite, reduced activity, lethargic, and loss of interest in common activities. These same cytokines are also associated with a lack of memory (Verster, 2008). It has been observed that a significant increase of IL-10, IL-12, and IFN-γ was observed after a cohort of individuals were induced into a hangover state compared to a control cohort. Yet, no changes in IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-α were observed (Kim et al., 2003). This brings forward a key point when it comes to hangover research- the lack of it. As stated in many of the research articles, there is conflicting research observations in this field due to the high variability of hangovers per individual (Verster, 2008). But, it should be noted that IL-10 leads to impaired cellular immunity, IL-12 is a proinflammatory cytokine that leads to cytotoxicity, and IFN-γ further increase cell-mediated immune responses (Kim et al., 2003).






Click seminar_3_alcohol_consumption.pdf for a research seminar presentation on alcohol consumption.

Copyright © Miguel Cardoso, Shara Chowdhury, Sabrina Musto, Harpreet Pabla, & Ojan Yarkhani


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