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 Lastly, a healthy and physically active lifestyle is highly recommended for someone with osteoporosis,​ especially exercises involving the use of small weight. Some examples of exercises individuals can partake in are dancing, walking, jump rope, hiking, and stair climbing. These exercises can aid in increasing bone strength and stimulating bone growth. In addition, health practitioners recommend that individuals suffering from osteoporosis should avoid smoking and consume no more than two alcoholic drinks per day as both decrease bone density and increase fracture risk (NYU Langone Health, n.d.). Lastly, a healthy and physically active lifestyle is highly recommended for someone with osteoporosis,​ especially exercises involving the use of small weight. Some examples of exercises individuals can partake in are dancing, walking, jump rope, hiking, and stair climbing. These exercises can aid in increasing bone strength and stimulating bone growth. In addition, health practitioners recommend that individuals suffering from osteoporosis should avoid smoking and consume no more than two alcoholic drinks per day as both decrease bone density and increase fracture risk (NYU Langone Health, n.d.).
 +==== Methods of Prevention ====
 +Beginning at a young age, it’s important to take steps to prevent osteoporosis. Some healthy practices/​steps that can be taken include ("​Osteoporosis",​ 2017):
 +  * Healthy diet incorporating whole grain, fruits, and vegetables
 +  * No smoking
 +        * Avoiding the act of smoking can help maintain bone density, as non-smokers often have greater bone mineral density in comparison to smokers.
 +  * Reducing caffeine consumption
 +        * Calcium absorption can be negatively affected by excessive caffeine consumption. ​
 +  * Reducing alcohol consumption
 +        * The risk of developing osteoporosis can increase by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. For this reason, alcohol consumption should be limited.
 +  * Adequate intake of vitamin D
 +        * Vitamin D is naturally obtained from sun exposure, but there are limits to intake as too much exposure to the sun is not safe. Vitamin D from sun exposure is also limited depending on geographical location, or an individuals skin type. However, Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium though diet, which is why it’s important to consume foods that have some quantity of Vitamin D, even if it’s a small amount. Some of these foods include eggs or fatty fish such as salmon. Vitamin D supplements can also be taken, as foods containing Vitamin D are often not enough to achieve the recommended intake.  ​
 +  * Eating food that’s rich in calcium
 +        * Maintaining a diet rich in calc  * Unordered List Itemium is vital to preserve bone density. This will ensure that the body is receiving calcium from the blood, rather than taking it away from bones, which will affect bone density. Some foods that are high in calcium include dairy products, almonds, spinach, and sardines. Calcium supplements are also an option if this is unattainable through diet. 
 +        * The recommended calcium intake for different age groups is:
 +          * Children: 1,300 mg
 +          * Adults: 1,000 mg
 +          * Men or women over the age of 70: 1,300 mg
 +  * Strength training and/or weight-bearing exercises
 +        * Exercises that are weight bearing can help improve balance and reduce the likelihood of falls. Weight bearing exercises include dancing, jogging, walking or any activity that requires movement on your feet. Exercises that are not weight bearing include cycling or swimming. Strength (or resistance) training is also beneficial for bone health as they can help maintain bone mineral density. Muscle strength can also help with balance, posture, and coordination.
 ====== Drugs and Medication ====== ====== Drugs and Medication ======
-As of now, the most effective drugs for osteoporosis are antiresorptive agents, meaning they decrease the amount of calcium removed from bones. Since bones are dynamic and constantly being remodelled, and osteoporosis results when bone resorption is higher than bone rebuilding, these medications inhibit the removal of bone so bone rebuilding is favoured. Many antiresorptive agents are available including alendronate,​ risedronate,​ raloxifene and others (Lewiecki, 2004). +Osteoporosis used to be considered ​sign of aging that was inevitable but can now be treated and prevented ​(Khosla & Hofbauer2017). Seeking ​treatment is recommended ​for individuals ​with osteoporosis as it can reduce ​the risk of fractures by almost 70% (Khosla & Hofbauer2017). Treatment ​is dependent on each individuals fracture risk and bone mineral densityTo maximize positive outcomesvarious forms of treatment ​are available that can be used in conjunction with healthy lifestyle ​and diet changes
-  +
-Bisphosphonates are class of antiresorptive drugs that are used to decreases risks of fractures of hip, wrist, and spine. These class of drugs are all administered orally to reduce adverse side effects, and to enhance the absorption of the medicine. They are taken in the morning and are taken with water to increase absorption. They can also be administered intravenous to avoid possible stomach problems ​(Lewiecki2004). +
-  +
-Alendronate (Fosamax) is an example of a bisphosphonate drug. It is effective ​treatment ​for postmenopausal osteoporosis as well as with glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis. This drug, similar to other bisphosphonates increases bone density and reduces various possible fractures. It is taken orally once a week for postmenopausal osteoporosis and is also the first drug used for increasing bone density in males with osteoporosis. This drug as all others does have a few side effects. This includes irritation of the esophagus or even inflammation ​of the esophagus. Differences in the chemical makeups of the other bisphosphonate drugs is what allows for certain side effects to be avoided ​(Gronholz2008). +
-  +
-Zoledronate (Reclast) ​is an intravenous administered bisphosphonate that is given once a year. It is able to effectively strengthen bones along with preventing both spinal ​and non-spinal fracturesAs with all medicationsside effects ​of this drug may result in muscle and joint aches, and so mild pain killers ​are given following treatment. This drug is used mainly to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis ​and to increase bone mass in males suffering the disease (Gronholz, 2008).+
 +Various treatment methods/​drugs work to slow the naturally occurring process of bone loss by inhibiting osteoclast activity (Khosla & Hofbauer, 2017). These medications are considered **antiresorptive**:​
 +  * **Bisphosphonates**
 +       * Examples: Alendronate,​ risedronate,​ ibandronate,​ zoledronic acid (Khosla & Hofbauer, 2017)
 +       * Disadvantage:​ this drug can have rare side effects such as bone tissue death in the jaw area, atypical femur fractures, and atrial fibrillation (Khosla & Shane, 2016)
 +       * They are taken orally and are usually the first line of treatment. However they require users to take a break from treatment after 3-5 years of use to limit the risk of adverse effects (Khosla & Hofbauer, 2017)
 +  * **Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)** ​
 +       * Raloxifene (Khosla & Hofbauer, 2017)
 +  * **Denosumab** (Curtis, Moon, Dennison, Harvey, & Cooper, 2015)
 +  * **Strontium ranelate** (Curtis et al., 2015)
 +There are also treatments that aid in bone formation, which are considered **anabolic** medications:​
 +  * **Teriparatide** ​
 +       * Analogous to parathyroid hormone (PTH) which activates a pathway that is important to reduce the activation, proliferation,​ and maturation of osteoclasts (Khosla & Hofbauer, 2017)
 +       * Treatment should be followed by the use of an antiresorptive to maintain bone density
 ====== Conclusion ====== ====== Conclusion ======
-Osteoporosis ​is set to become a major health concern ​with an ageing populationScientists have identified human stem cells that develop into the bone, cartilage, and other tissues that make up the body’s skeleton (Price et al., 2018). This will one day help doctors repair ​or replace joint cartilage, heal broken bones more quickly, and build up bone in osteoporosis patients. Additionallya new genetic screen may predict a person’s future ​risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture ​and may allow for more preventative measures (University ​of Stanford2018)+Although there are treatments available and preventative measures that can be taken, osteoporosis ​is still prevalent worldwide ​with severe health implicationsWith the course of agingthis condition results in significant bone loss that makes those at risk more susceptible to fractures ​and other negative health outcomesThere are treatment options available to help maintain ​or increase ​bone mineral densitywhile reducing the risk of fracture ​by minimizing bone loss. However, many of the most common forms of treatment can be associated with adverse side effects following prolonged use. Further research is required to determine ​more effective forms of treatment or therapy that would be beneficial in treating patients long-termas well as minimizing side effects 
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 Morrison, W. (2016). Osteoporosis Causes: Remodeling, Balance, and Hormones. Retrieved from https://​www.healthline.com/​health/​osteoporosis-causes Morrison, W. (2016). Osteoporosis Causes: Remodeling, Balance, and Hormones. Retrieved from https://​www.healthline.com/​health/​osteoporosis-causes
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