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group_2_presentation_3_-_herpes_simplex_virus [2018/03/30 19:56]
babadim [Attachment and Recognition for HSV-1 & HSV-2]
group_2_presentation_3_-_herpes_simplex_virus [2018/03/30 19:59] (current)
babadim [Transmission of HSV-1]
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 ====== Transmission of HSV-1 ====== ====== Transmission of HSV-1 ======
-<box 20% round right| >{{ :​herpes.jpg?​200|}}</​box|Figure 4: An individual exhibiting a cold sore caused by HSV-1. ​(IN TEXT)>+<box 20% round right| >{{ :​herpes.jpg?​200|}}</​box|Figure 4: An individual exhibiting a cold sore caused by HSV-1. ​https://​skinpractice.com/​best-product-reviews-for-cold-sores/​>
 Initial infection with HSV-1 is caused by contact with mucosal surfaces or abraded skin (Whitley & Roizman, 2001) in regions such as the lips, mouth, and skin above the waist (Nahmias, Keyserling & Lee, 1989). An individual can be affected with HSV-1 through close nonsexual contact with an affected individual such as kissing (even on the cheek), sharing utensils and sharing drinks, as the virus can remain viable for a brief period of time on skin, clothing and plastics (Fatahzadeh & Schwartz, 2007). An individual is most contagious when they are exhibiting cold sores or lesions, but is still contagious without showing symptoms. Initial infection with HSV-1 is caused by contact with mucosal surfaces or abraded skin (Whitley & Roizman, 2001) in regions such as the lips, mouth, and skin above the waist (Nahmias, Keyserling & Lee, 1989). An individual can be affected with HSV-1 through close nonsexual contact with an affected individual such as kissing (even on the cheek), sharing utensils and sharing drinks, as the virus can remain viable for a brief period of time on skin, clothing and plastics (Fatahzadeh & Schwartz, 2007). An individual is most contagious when they are exhibiting cold sores or lesions, but is still contagious without showing symptoms.
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 ====== Neural Cells Affected by HSV-2 ====== ====== Neural Cells Affected by HSV-2 ======
-<​box ​35% round right| >{{ :​sacral.png?​300|}}+<​box ​30% round right| >{{ :​sacral.png?​300|}}
 </box| Figure 11: Distribution of the sacral nerve ganglia. (Vassantachart,​ & Menter, 2016)> </box| Figure 11: Distribution of the sacral nerve ganglia. (Vassantachart,​ & Menter, 2016)>
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