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The Ebola virus was first identified in 1976, localized near the Ebola river, primarily in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan (CDC). The virus is known to affect both humans and non-human primates, including chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutangs. Moreover, there are 5 known strains of the Ebola virus, with the most common among humans being the Zaire virus. In addition, the Reston virus has been found to propagate disease in nonhuman primates but not among human populations (CDC).

Ebola Strains/ Variants:

  • Zaire ebolavirus
  • Sudan ebolavirus
  • Taï Forest ebolavirus
  • Bundibugyo ebolavirus
  • Reston ebolavirus

Epidemiology: Ebola Outbreak (2013-2016)

Symptoms and Stages of Ebola

There are 4 distinguishable stages of the Ebola virus and symptoms tend to arise 2-21 days following exposure to the disease via contaminated bodily fluids in most cases. It is usual for symptoms to occur between 8-10 days after contraction of the virus.

Stage 1: Lasts from a period of 7-9 days following exposure to the virus and the incubation period. Symptoms that identify this stage include joint pain, sore throat, fever, headache, weakness, and muscle soreness.

Stage 2: Begins on approximately the 10th day of infection and is characterized by vomiting blood, diarrhea, high fever, and extreme fatigue.

Stage 3: Begins on the 11th day following transmission of the disease and is characterized by brain damage, bleeding from the nose, mouth, and anus. During this period, it is common for bodily fluids to contaminate living environments, resulting in a higher risk of transmission among humans.

Stage 4: Begins on approximately the 12th day following infection by the virus and is characterized by the occurrence of a coma, organ failure, shock, severe internal bleeding, and in cases where no immediate treatment or hospitalization is sought out, death may occur.

Overview of Symptoms According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), following an asymptomatic incubation period ranging from 2-21 days, symptoms become apparent at approximately 8-10 days following initial infection. Once the initial symptoms of a fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and fatigue occur, the virus is able to infect other humans and the patient is considered infectious. A comatose state may occur within one week of initial infection, in conjunction with severe hemorrhaging and external bleeding. Moreover, some symptoms including, vomiting, diarrhea, organ failure, and internal/external bleeding increase the risk of death within a short time frame given the severe loss of bodily fluids and loss of blood pressure as a direct consequence. In rare cases of survival from the virus and if treatment is sought, the virus is still able to persist in organs and ducts that contain and secrete bodily fluids, including the testes, tear ducts, and in the central nervous system. In addition, pregnant women infected with the Ebola virus are prone to transmitting the virus to their infant, specifically in the amniotic fluid, placing the infant at risk of contracting the virus (CDC)


The origin of the Ebola virus is not factually known, however, researchers hypothesize that the origins of the virus lie within the species Pteropodidae, also known as fruit bats. The species likely share a relationship based on commensalism with the virus, in which the virus benefits from the nourishment that the host provides, but the host remains unaffected or harmed in any capacity. The disease is transmitted from infected fruit bats to humans, which then pass on the virus within the population. In particular, excrement from infected fruit bats often contaminates human food supplies, including fruit and meat, and if not washed or sanitized appropriately, may transmit among the human population.

Transmission among humans is often through direct contact with infectious bodily fluids and secretions, including blood, semen, excrement, saliva, and breastmilk through broken skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Specific examples of transmission among humans include:

  • Blood, urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen of an infected individual or a patient that has died from Ebola.
  • Contaminated needles or syringes that contain infectious bodily fluid residues and exposure of these fluids to exposed skin or mucous membranes may cause transmission among humans.
  • Engagement in sexual intercourse with a man who has recovered from symptoms of Ebola, in particular, contact with their infectious semen (CDC).


Effective diagnosis of the Ebola virus in the region of sub-Saharan Africa/ Western Africa is often difficult given the lack of infrastructure and disease screening technologies and resources. Regardless, in general, diagnostic blood tests can be conducted to assess the patient for Ebola, which may be useful during the asymptomatic period to offer preemptive treatment protocol.

Low Leukocyte Count: a reduction in dendritic cells that present viral proteins/antigens for immune cell response, in addition to low levels of T immune cells and B immune cells in the blood plasma are indicative of the presence of the Ebola virus. Essentially, the virus is effectively able to target, infect, and destroy dendritic cells, which results in reduced activation of the T and B immune cells that respond to the protein profiles presented on dendritic cells. As a result, the immune system of a patient infected with the Ebola virus is often compromised and co-morbidities or supplemental infection during infection with Ebola can accelerate morbidity and mortality.

Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels: hepatocytes (liver cells) that produce coagulation proteins are reduced in concentration and are targetted and destroyed by proteases during infection with the Ebola virus (MORE INFO NEEDED).

Abnormal Blood Clotting Mechanism: Macrophages ingest the Ebola virus and release cytokines and additional inflammatory signals that initiate microvascular leakage.

Pathophysiology of Ebola



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