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Alzheimers Disease


Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a progressive decline in cognitive function, which typically begins with deterioration in memory (Alzheimer’s Disease, 2016). Alzheimer’s is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States (Alzheimer’s Disease, 2016). The greatest known risk factor is increasing age, however Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging as one can also develop early-onset Alzheimer’s in their 40s or 50s of age (Alzheimer’s Disease, 2016). Alzheimer’s disease is a degeneration of neurons in the brain, starting in the temporal lobe and spreads to parietal, and frontal lobe(DaSilva, 2017). The overall mass of the brain is reduced as a result of cell death, and the degeneration of neurons (DaSilva, 2017). Alzheimer’s disease is progressive, and has three stages : early, mild to moderate, and severe (DaSilva, 2017). In the earlier stages, memory loss is mild compared to the late stages, where the ability to carry a conversation and respond to the environment is completely impaired, resulting in complete dependence on others for care (DaSilva, 2017). There is no cure for Alzheimer’s that stops the progression completely, however treatments are available for the symptoms and can temporarily slow the worsening of the symptoms, and improve quality of life (DaSilva, 2017).





Control of disease

Survival rates




Alzheimer's disease is characterized by neuronal loss, decrease in cortical neurons and synapses in the brain. This results in the degeneration of an individual's cognitive capacity. From numerous studies, it was identified that amyloid plaques and Tau proteins are heavily concentrated in AD patient's brains. Thus, implying a significant involvement in the progression of AD (Ballatore et al., 2007).

Tau Proteins

Tau proteins are microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) found on the surface of microtubules in a neuronal cell. They stabilize the microtubules and prevent depolymerization to allow for the transportation of essential nutrients across the axon (Delacourte & Defossez, 1986). Tau proteins allow for normal axonal growth and maintenance of the internal structure of the neuronal transport system. Protein kinases such as GSK3 and CDK5 are involved in the phosphorylation of Tau proteins. The kinases cause Tau proteins to detach from the microtubules to allow cargo to move across the axon. After the cargo has safely transported across the axon, a dephosphorylation reaction occurs by which phosphatases reattach Tau proteins to the microtubules (Ballatore et al., 2007).

Hyperphosphorylation of Tau proteins results in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). When Tau proteins are hyperphosphorylated, they dissociate from microtubules, thus destabilizing them (Ballatore et al., 2007). The structure of the microtubules deteriorates such that they can no longer actively participate in the neuronal transport system. Free roaming Tau proteins aggregate to form NFTs which usually begin to form at the temporal lobe of the brain. Tau proteins can no longer be dephosphorylated to reattach to the degraded microtubules and the neuronal cell is ultimately destroyed (Ballatore et al., 2007). Research shows that the location and density of NFTs play a critical role in the pathophysiology and progression of AD. The direction of progression can vary and thus initial symptoms of AD vary between individuals (Ballatore et al., 2007).

Therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease

The copious complex mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) creates a challenge to innovate effective therapeutics to delay or halt the disease progression (Fig.1) (Anand, 2014). However, extensive scientific efforts have been devoted into pharmacotherapeutic research for the treatment of AD. The development of present therapeutics have been based upon the first theory proposed to explain the disease known as the cholinergic hypothesis (Francis, 1999). This study evidently reveals the selective loss of cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis, which results in reduction in cholinergic activity among patients with AD. (Whitehouse et al., 1981). Additional studies confirm that AD may be associated with diminution of cholinergic activity, further studies utilized rhesus monkeys to show the effects of anticholinergic scopolamine on memory deficits as seen in AD (Bartus, 1978). Therefore, the development of therapeutics to augment cholinergic activity such as cholinesterase inhibitors (CIs) have primarily been focused upon. The CI’s function to enhance the cholinergic transmission by reducing in the breakdown of acetylcholine (ACh). For this reason, elevated levels of ACh are presented between neuronal synaptic clefts, thereby, compensating for the attenuated levels of ACh due to cholinergic neuronal death (Stahl, 2000). Currently, four Cis for symptomatic treatment of the disease have been approved by the FDA – donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine, tacrine (Lleo, 2007). Such therapies have been recognized as first-line of treatment for mild to moderate progression of AD, though, tacrine is no longer used in clinic due to its associated effects of tacrine-induced liver damage (Alfirevic, 2007). A systematic review and metanalysis conducted by Hansen et al. has shown that donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine have shown overall benefits for stabilizing or slowing decline in cognition, function, behavior and clinical global change (Hansen, 2008). Despite the benefits of CI for moderate AD, the elevation in the levels of ACh can result in cholinergic adverse effects among patients which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, muscle cramps, and insomnia (Ellis, 2005). Moreover, memantine – an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist provides a treatment option for moderate to severe cases of AD (Yiannopoulou, 2013). Such drug serves to preclude the excessive release of an excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate resulting in excitotoxicity (Aprahamian, 2013). Moreover, a study by McShane et al. shows the benefit of memantine in moderate to severe to severe AD, which includes improvement on cognition, activities of daily living, and behavior at six months (McShane, 2006). However, although memantine is shown to be well tolerated in clinical studies, it can commonly be associated with side effects such as dizziness, constipation, confusion, headaches, hypertension, comnolence and visual hallucinations (McShane, 2006; Gauthier, 2006 ). While CI’s have been used as a standard mode of treatment to offer palliative care, ongoing research has been conducted for treatments capable of halting or modifying the progression of AD (Yiannopoulou, 2013).


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