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start 2024/09/08 11:16 start 2025/02/15 10:20 current
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===== Research Projects ===== ===== Research Projects =====
-  * [[public:research#high_throughput_confocal_fluorescence_microscopy | Multiplexed Confocal FLIM]] +  * [[public:research:flim | Multiplexed Confocal FLIM]] 
-  * [[public:research#Micro and Nano-Biosensing/Imaging Devices|Optofluidic Sensing]] +  * [[public:research:optofluidics/Imaging Devices|Optofluidic Sensing]] 
-  * [[public:research#smart_aging|Smart Home for Aging-in-Place (SHAPE)]] +  * [[public:research:shape|Smart Home for Aging-in-Place (SHAPE)]] 
-  * [[public:research#Imaging in the Gastrointestinal Tract ("Google Streetview" of the Colon)|Imaging in the Gastrointestinal Tract]] +  * [[public:research:gi | Imaging in the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI)]] 
-  * [[public:research:Laser-machining|Ultrafast Laser machining]]+  * [[public:research:machining |Advanced Manufacturing: Ultrafast laser machining and Additive Manufacturing]] 
 +  * [[public:research|Other]]
===== Team ===== ===== Team =====

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