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Participant Biographies


J. Stewart Aitchison, Ph.D.

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J. Stewart Aitchison, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto

Research Interests Nonlinear optics in semiconductor superlattices, nonlinear optics and wavelength conversion in AlGaAs nanowires, magnetic metamaterials, ultrafast pulse-shaping devices.

Saturday 17:00-18:00: Panel moderator - Micro/nano devices      

David Andrews, Ph.D.

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David Andrews, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, McMaster University
Canada Research Chair in Membrane Biogenesis
                    Director, McMaster Biophotonics Facility

Research InterestsMolecular mechanisms of the assembly of subcellular membranes, regulation of apoptosis by Bcl-2 family proteins, drug discovery, image based high content screening, automated image analysis.

Sunday 13:00-13:30: Optical imaging in drug discovery
Sunday 15:00-16:00: Panel discussion - Molecular imaging, drug discovery, and biomaterials

Brian E. Applegate, Ph.D.

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Brian E. Applegate, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University

Research Interests Optical and molecular imaging for biomedical applications: optical coherence tomography/microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and photoacoustic microscopy.

Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel discussion - Endomicroscopy      


Richard Berman, Ph.D.


Richard Berman, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Spectral Applied Research

Caroline Boudoux, Ph.D.

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Caroline Boudoux, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Engineering Physics, École polytechnique de Montréal

Research Interests Endoscopic confocal microscopy, spectrally encoded confocal microscopy, optical coherence tomography, Doppler optical coherence tomograhy, SECM imaging.

Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel discussion - Endomicroscopy      

John L. Brash, Ph.D.

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John L. Brash, Ph.D.
Director, Distinguished Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University

Research InterestsBiomaterials and biocompatibility, materials for use in blood contact, vascular grafts, coronary stents, heart valves, behaviour of proteins at interfaces.     

Sunday 14:00-14:30: Biomaterials and biocompatibility

Pramod Butte


Pramod Butte
Post-Doctorate Fellow
Neurosurgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre


Alexander N. Cartwright, Ph.D.

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Alexander N. Cartwright, Ph.D.
Electrical/Biomedical Engineering, University of New York, Buffalo

Research Interests Characterization and fabrication of III-V and II-VI structures, characterization by ultrafast spectroscopy, hybrid organic-semiconductor nanocrystals, biosensing.

Zhongping Chen, Ph.D.

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Zhongping Chen, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine

Research InterestsOptical coherence tomography, intravascular imaging, endoscopic nonlinear optical imaging.                                         

Saturday 13:30-14:00: Optical coherence tomography

Vamsy P. Chodavarapu, Ph.D.

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Vamsy P. Chodavarapu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University

Research Interests CMOS sensor microsystems, biochemical sensors, mixed-signal VLSI design, nanostructured sensor materials, and polymeric MEMS/microfluidics.

Saturday 16:30-17:00: Microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip      

Christopher H. Contag, Ph.D.

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Christopher H. Contag, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Depts. of Pediatrics, Microbiology, Immunology and Radiology
School of Medicine, Stanford University

Research InterestsNoninvasive optical measures of biological function in living systems.                                                                            

Sunday 13:30-14:00: Molecular imaging
Sunday 15:00-16:00: Panel discussion - Molecular imaging, drug discovery, and biomaterials

M. Daniel Côté, Ph.D.

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M. Daniel Côté, Ph.D.
Biophotonics CRULRG, Université Laval

Research Interests In vivo imaging, live animal imaging, coherent Raman microscopy, myelin, multiple sclerosis, histopathology.

Saturday 14:00-14:30: in vivo multiphoton imaging      


M. Jamal Deen, Ph.D.

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M. Jamal Deen, Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University
Senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology

Research Interests Micro-, nano- and opto-electronics for life and environmental sciences; biosensors, imaging systems, micro- and nano-systems.
Detailed Bio

Saturday 9:00-11:30: Chair - Overview: Clinical needs and technology capabilities
Saturday 16:00-16:30: Micro/nano biosensors

Erik Dutson, M.D.

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Erik Dutson, M.D.
Surgery, Ronald Reagan Medical Centre, University of California, LA

Clinical InterestsBariatric surgery, colorectal (colon, rectum and anus), fundoplication, gastrointestinal, general surgery, laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive surgery, urgent gastrointestinal surgery.


Qiyin Fang, Ph.D.

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Qiyin Fang, Ph.D.
Engineering Physics and Biomedical, McMaster University
Canada Research Chair in Biophotonics

Research Interests Optical spectroscopic and imaging technologies for minimally invasive diagnosis and guided therapy, miniaturized MOEMS sensors and imaging systems, advanced optical microscopy and emerging applications.

Sunday 10:30-11:30: Panel discussion - Functional imaging
Sunday 13:00-16:00: Chair - Molecular imaging, drug discovery and biomaterials

Daniel L. Farkas, Ph.D.

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Daniel L. Farkas, Ph.D.
Surgery and Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre
Director, Minimally Invasive Surgical Technologies Institute

Research InterestsMolecular imaging, in vivo imaging, medical applications of bioimaging, optical cancer diagnostics; fast neuroimaging, spectral/hyperspectral imaging, acousto-optics, lasers, optical coherence tomography.

Sunday 15:00-16:00: Panel discussion - Molecular imaging, drug discovery and biomaterials


Warren S. Grundfest, M.D.

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Warren S. Grundfest, M.D.
Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering, University of California, LA
UCLA Schools of Engineering and Medicine

Research Interests Image-guided therapies and medical device development: minimally invasive surgery, optical diagnostics, medical robotics, and advanced medical imaging technologies.

Saturday 9:10-9:30: Overview translation in optical imaging
Saturday 10:45-11:30: Panel discussion - Clinical needs and technological capabilities


Javier A. Jo, Ph.D.

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Javier A. Jo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University

Research InterestsTissue fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging; multimodal optical imaging; biomedical signal and image processing.

Sunday 10:30-11:30: Panel discussion - Functional imaging


Vassili Karanassios, Ph.D.

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Vassili Karanassios, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo

Research InterestsMicro- and nano-analytical chemistry, micro- and nano-samples, lab-on-a-chip, micro-ITV for battery-operated micro-plasma devices (MPDs) as light or ion sources, micro optical or mass spectrometers.

Saturday 16:00-18:00: Chair - Micro/nano-sensing and microfluidics

Mohamed A. Karmali, M.D.

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Mohamed A. Karmali, M.D.
Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto

Research Interests Biology, ecology, epidemiology, and public health significance of emerging foodborne and waterborne bacterial pathogens: microbiology, pathogenesis, and epidemiology of VTEC infections.


Stephen Lam, M.D.

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Stephen Lam, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Chair, Lung Tumour Group, BC Cancer Agency

Research Interests Lung cancer control through early detection and personalized therapy, integrates socio-demographic factors, smoking, clinical data and biomarkers in the sputum or blood; autofluorescence bronchoscopy and spiral CT scan, natural products, prescription drugs.

Regina Leung

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Regina Leung
Research Student
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, McMaster University

Research Interests Deconvolution algorithms for time-domain fluorescene decay lifetime estimations, diagnostic imaging and real time cavity surface profiling, assistive technologies for the elderly and disabled, medical robotics, and power-assisted exoskeletons.

Yudong Li, Ph.D.

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Yudong Li, Ph.D.
School of Physics, Nankai University

Research Interests Ultrafast optics; nonlinear optics; micro- and Nano-structure fabrication.

Louis W.C. Liu, M.Eng., M.D., Ph.D.

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Louis W.C. Liu, M.Eng., M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Toronto Western Hospital - University Health Network

Research Interests Clinical research in functional bowel disease and neurogastroenterology, biomedical instrumentations in endoscopic diagnostic imaging.

Saturday 10:45-11:30: Panel moderator - Clinical needs and technology capabilities

Qing-Bin Lu, Ph.D.

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Qing-Bin Lu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Depts. of Physics, Biology, Chemistry, University of Waterloo

Research Interests Femtochemistry, femtobiology and femtomedicine, ultrafast biophotonics, time-resolved spectroscopy and imaging, molecular pathways of DNA damage and cell death, molecular mechanisms and development of novel anticancer drugs; environmental sciences.


Calum MacAuley, Ph.D.

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Calum MacAuley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia
Associated Member Physics
                    Integrative Oncology, BC Cancer Research Centre

Research Interests Early detection and treatment of cancer using quantitative imaging tools in microscopy: tissue fluorescence, automated cytometry, self excitation light fluorescence (SELF), understanding the pre-invasive neoplastic process in epithelial tissue at multiple space scales.

Sunday 15:00-16:00: Panel moderator - Molecular imaging, drug discovery, and biomaterials

Nicholas MacKinnon, Ph.D.

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Nicholas MacKinnon, Ph.D.
OneLight Corporation

Research InterestsSpectrally programmable illumination systems for surgical imaging; hyperspectral tissue imaging, image sensor calibration: fluorescence and multispectral imaging of tissues.

Kristen Maitland, Ph.D.

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Kristen Maitland, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University

Research Interests Confocal microscopy with other optical imaging and spectroscopy techniques for disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment; endoscope and miniature optics development for improved access for in vivo applications.

Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel discussion - Endomicroscopy

Ognian Marinov, Ph.D.

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Ognian Marinov, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering, McMaster University

Research Interests Low frequency noise in devices and breakdown; micro-power circuit design; organic electronics; technology and automation of measurements and characterization.

Ozzy Mermut


Ozzy Mermut
Program Manager
Institut national d'optique


Michael S. Patterson, Ph.D.

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Michael S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Depts. of Radiology and Medical Physics, McMaster University
Head of Medical Physics
                    Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton Health Sciences

Research Interests Biomedical optics, photodynamic therapy, optical spectroscopy, radiation physics, optical imaging, radiation therapy, signal processing, medical imaging.

Sunday 8:30-9:15: PDT - new developments
Sunday 10:30-11:30: Panel discussion - Functional imaging

Eric O. Potma, Ph.D.

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Eric O. Potma, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine
Beckman Laser Institute

Research Interests Nonlinear microscopy, nano-plasmonics, single molecule spectroscopy, biomedical imaging.

Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel discussion: Endomicroscopy
Sunday 9:45-10:15: Raman and CARS


Marinko V. Sarunic, Ph.D.

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Marinko V. Sarunic, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University


Herb E. Schellhorn, Ph.D.

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Herb E. Schellhorn, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, McMaster University

Research Interests Determination of factors affecting bacterial virulence and persistence of E. coli, adenovirus vector technology, gene expression technologies, bacterial molecular biology.

Sunday 15:00-16:00: Panel discussion - Molecular imaging, drug discovery and biomaterials

P. Ravi Selvaganapathy, Ph.D.

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P. Ravi Selvaganapathy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University

Research Interests Micro- and nano-fluidic devices, biosensors, micro- and nano-systems.

Saturday 17:00-18:00: Panel discussion - Micro/nano devices

Peyman Servati, Ph.D.

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Peyman Servati, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests Nanowires, nanocomposites, mechanically flexible electronics, nanocomposite fibers, nanowire sensors, disposable medical sensors, nanocomposite solar cells.

Rahul Singh, Ph.D.

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Rahul Singh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professional Researcher
Electrical Engineering, University of California, LA

Research Interests Acoustics resesarch with applications in dentistry and biomedical engineering.

Saturday 17:00-18:00: Panel discussion - Micro/nano devices

Qian Sun, Ph.D.

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Qian Sun, Ph.D., Ph.D.
School of Physics, Nankai University
Director of Tianjin Key Lab of Information Materials and Technology

Research Interests Nonlinear optics and nonlinear materials. Nanostructure fabrication and application.


Shuo Tang, Ph.D.

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Shuo Tang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests Biophotonics, biomedical optics, optical tissue imaging instrumentation, optical coherence tomography, multiphoton microscopy, endoscopy, cancer imaging.

Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel discussion - Endomicroscopy

Zachary D. Taylor, Ph.D.

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Zachary D. Taylor, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Bioengineering, University of California, LA

Research Interests Optical and optoelectronic and laser based techniques for medical sciences, lifetime fluorescence imaging, laser microscopy, THz imaging systems, components, and devices.

Saturday 17:00-18:00: Panel discussion - Micro/nano devices

Bruce J. Tromberg, Ph.D.

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Bruce J. Tromberg, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering and Surgery, University of California, Irvine
Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic

Research Interests Diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging, non-linear optical microscopy, photodynamic therapy, optical biology / physiology.

Saturday 13:30-15:30: Chair - Endomicroscopy
Saturday 14:30-15:30: Panel moderator - Endomicroscopy

Frances Tse, M.D.

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Frances Tse, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Gastroenterology, McMaster University

Research Interests EUS, ERCP, endoscopic mucosal resection, and therapeutic endoscopy, endoscopy training, endoscopic technologies.

Sunday 8:30-10:15: Chair - Functional imaging


Dafydd Rhys Williams, M.D.

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Dafydd Rhys Williams, M.D.
Department of Surgery, McMaster University
Michael G. Degroote School of Medicine
                    Director, McMaster Centre for Medical Robotics
                    St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

Research Interests Cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation, pre-hospital emergency cardiac care, space medicine, critical care aero-medical transport, robotic and telerobotic surgery.

Saturday 9:30-10:30: Robotics
Saturday 10:45-11:30: Panel discussion: Clinical needs & technological capabilities

Brian Wilson, Ph.D.

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Brian Wilson, Ph.D.
Biophysics, University of Toronto
Ontario Cancer Institute

Research Interests Laser biophysics: therapeutic and diagnostic techniques, light transport in tissues, development of light sources/optical-fiber light delivery devices and of optical dosimeters, in vivo optical spectroscopy of tissues.

Sunday 10:30-11:30: Panel moderator - Functional imaging

Brian J.F. Wong, M.D., Ph.D., FACS

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Brian J.F. Wong, M.D., Ph.D., FACS
Biomedical Engineering and Surgery, University of California, Irvine
Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic

Research Interests Tissue shape change and reshaping, tissue thermoviscoelasticity, clinical applications of optical coherence tomography.

Saturday 10:00-10:30: Endoscopy
Saturday 10:45-11:30: Panel discussion - Clinical needs & technology capabilities


Chang-Qing Xu, Ph.D.

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Chang-Qing Xu, Ph.D.
Engineering Physics, McMaster University

Research Interests Nonlinear optic materials and devices, semiconductor laser diodes and amplifiers, waveguide devices; optoelectronics and optical sensors for laser display, telecommunication and biomedical applications.

Saturday 17:00-18:00: Panel discussion - Micro/nano devices


Orly Yadid-Pecht, D.Sc., FIEEE

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Orly Yadid-Pecht, D.Sc., FIEEE
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Calgary
iCore Professor in Integrated Sensors and Intelligent Systems

Research Interests Image sensors, micro and nano systems, smart sensors, biosensors.

Shu-chi Yeh,

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Shu-chi Yeh,
M.A.Sc. Student
Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University

Research Interests PDT dosimetry in cancer research using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, computational design, nanoprobes, in vivo imaging, nanoparticles for molecular imaging and therapy.

Benny Yeung

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Benny Yeung
System Design Engineer
Space Missions Unit, MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates

Research Interests High-throughput automation systems in the department for molecular biology experiments focusing on cancer research, medical and surgical robotics.

William H. Yong, M.D.

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William H. Yong, M.D.
Associate Professor
Brain Research Institute, University of California, LA
Dept. of Autopsy, Neuropathology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Research Interests Brain and pituitary tumours, biospecimen research, tracking movement of materials in and out of biorepositories, whole slide digital imaging (WSDI) and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags as tools to improve tracking.


Haishan Zeng, Ph.D.

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Haishan Zeng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
British Columbia Cancer Research Centre

Research Interests Optical imaging and spectroscopy techniques for improving early cancer detection, optical diagnosis and therapy, fluorescence endoscopy.

Sunday 9:15-9:45: Fluorescence endoscopy
Sunday 10:30-11:30: Panel discussion - Functional imaging

Haiying Zhang, Ph.D.

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Haiying Zhang, Ph.D.
RFIC, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Interests RFIC design, MMIC design, SoC for healthcare, information technology for medical equipments.

Yi-qi Zhuang, Ph.D.

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Yi-qi Zhuang, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Microelectronics, Xidian University

Research Interests Radio-frequency and short-range communication ICs for applications in RFID, GPS and bioelectronics, micro-nano-electronic devices and materials, single-chip integration of digital, analog, RF and power.

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