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Oscar Yeung 楊碧島

Undergraduate Research Student, Dept. of Engineering Physics, McMaster University
Workplace Health and Safety Committee Assistant (2011-12), Dept. of Engineering Physics, McMaster University
Engineering Physics B.Eng (expected 2013), McMaster University

Contact Information

Yahoo ID: oscarptyeung
Skype ID: oscar.yeung1


My research involves helping Zhaojun develop an integrated system(being developed by ZhaoJun) of time-resolved fluoresecence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of optical biopsy. My current focus is building a custom UV-broadband LED fiber-coupled light source capable of giving a fairly uniform 350nm-700nm spectrum with sufficient intensity illumination on the skin.

Dept. of Eng. Phys Safety Website


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 - 9:30 MATH 4Q03 BSB 241
9:30 - 10:30 EP 3G03 GS 102
10:30 - 11:30 EP 3G03 GS 102
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30 ENG 2B03 BSB 147 ENG 2B03 BSB 147 ENG 2B03 BSB 147
13:30 - 14:30 MATH 4Q03 HH 305 MATH 4Q03 HH 305 MATH 4Q03 HH 305
14:30 - 15:30 EP 3G03 BSB Lab
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:30

Note:The best way to reach me is to send an email. EP 4H04 and 4U04 labs are in my term, but not shown in the schedule.

Safety Training

Base CoursesAdditional Courses
WHMIS Core May 5, 2011 Asbestos Awareness May 6, 2011
Fire Safety May 6, 2011 Health and Safety May 2, 2011
Laser Safety May 3, 2011 Office WHMIS May 6, 2011
Hydrogen Fluoride TBD Ergonomics May 6, 2011
Gas Cylinder May 3, 2011 Slips/Trips/Falls May 6, 2011
Chemical Handling May 6, 2011 Due Diligence May 2, 2011
Workplace Inspection July 2011 Indoor Air Quality TBD
Clean Room TBD Lock out/Tag out September 2010
Electrical SafetyMay 8, 2012

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