
This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

people:scharern 2019/04/22 15:49 people:scharern 2019/05/28 11:24 current
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-<box round green left 60%>+ 
 +=====Nicolas Schärer===== 
 +{{:people:profile: scharern.jpg?150|Nicolas Schärer}} 
\\ \\
-**Nicolas Schärer**\\ +Undergraduate exchange student from France ([[https://iut-rennes.univ-rennes1.fr/departement-genie-electrique-et-informatique-industrielle-geii|IUT de Rennes]])\\ 
-Undergraduate Exchange Student  \\+Specialized in Electronics Engineering and Industrial Computing\\
[[https://www.eng.mcmaster.ca/engphys|McMaster University]] \\ \\ [[https://www.eng.mcmaster.ca/engphys|McMaster University]] \\ \\
-\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 
-| Email: [[nicolas.scharer.pro@gmail.com]] |  
- +^Contact^ 
-==== Schedule ====+| Email: [[nicolas.scharer.pro@gmail.com]] | 
Line 18: Line 20:
---- ----
-^Base Courses^ 
^Course^Date^ ^Course^Date^
|AODA and Human Rights Code|2019  |  |AODA and Human Rights Code|2019  | 
Line 30: Line 31:
|Violence and Harassment Prevention |2019  |  |Violence and Harassment Prevention |2019  | 
|Laser Safety |2019 | |Laser Safety |2019 |
-|Basic Electricity | |+|Basic Electricity |2019 |

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