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-=====Jin Ning===== +===== Jin Ning 宁劲 ===== 
- \\  +{{ :people:profile:ningj.jpg?222x262|Jin Ning}} 
-{{ :people:ningj.jpg?222x262|Jin Ning}} +M.Sc Biomedical Engineering in 2009, [[http://msbe.mcmaster.ca//|McMaster University]]\\ \\
-Graduate student, M.Sc Biomedical Engineering \\ \\+
===Contact Information=== ===Contact Information===
-Office: ITB 112 \\ +Leica China 
-Email: [[ningj3@mcmaster.ca]] \\ +
-Phone: (905) 963-3777 \\ \\ +
-**Mailing Address** \\ +
-JHE/A315, Dept. of Eng. Phys. \\ +
-McMaster University \\ +
-1280 Main Street West \\ +
-Hamilton, ON  +
-L8S 4L7 \\ Canada+
\\ \\ \\ \\
===Research=== ===Research===

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