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When You Start

The BME Student Resources is a good place to start, even you are not in the BME program.
Engineering Physics also has a new graduate student guide as well as general graduate student resources.
  1. Your first point of contact:
    • Engineering Physics Graduate Secretary Ms. Samantha Leung
    • Biomedical Engineering administrator: Ms. Maya Sabados,
  2. Obtain Student ID + bus pass + Direct Deposit + UHIP card
  3. Enable MacID and Activate Student Email account
  4. Get Keys for Lab and/or the Graduate Student Office ETB 303
    • Contact Person: Qiyin
    • ETB: ETB exterior, ETB 431, ETB 307, and the BME student office ETB 303
    • ABB: ABB exterior, ABB 181 (hallway), ABB B105, ABB B105A
  5. Apply Scholarships (NSERC, OGS, OGSST, etc.)
    • Contact persons: BME or Engineering Physics (see #1)
  6. Your Personal Contact Information
    • Use your MacID (#4) to access our lab's wiki page;
    • McMaster E-mail is the main channel of electronics communication for our group.
    • In addition, we use MS Teams through the McMaster Office 365 Services using MacID.
  7. Create your personal profile page in this Wiki Site
    • Upload personal profile picture, select from left hand panel, under toolbox heading
      • Upload File > Profile (make sure your file is uploaded correctly into this folder)
      • Save uploaded file as: first.jpg or last name and first initial.jpg
        • “Bernadette Rostenkowski” would be saved as bernadette.jpg or Rostenkowskib.jpg
    • Use another person's page as a template, and fill in necessary information, which should include:
      • Education, McMaster e-mail address, Research / Project Description, Schedule, and Safety Training
    • If your name can be written in a language other than English, you can include that there as well.
  8. Safety Training
    • For more information, please check with EOHSS
    • You need to contact the Eng Phys Office (see #1), even you are a BME student, to attend the Engineering Physics/CEDT safety training/orientation
    • Everybody working in our lab should take:
      • Engineering Physics/CEDT safety training/orientation (contact Ms. Marilyn Marlow)
      • WHIMS core
      • Asbestos Awareness, Chemical Handling and Spills, Ergonomics, Fire Safety, Slips, Trips & Falls
      • Laser Safety
      • Biosafety
      • AODA Training
      • Basic Electrical Safety
    • Everyone is required to list their up-to-date safety training record in their own personal profile page. Please use the table available here on the Lab safety page, as a template.
    • After going over your Job Hazard Analysis Form (from the Eng Phys safety orientation) with your supervisor, you are required to complete a Engineering Physics/ C.E.D.T. Research Hazards Safety Report;Example by Nehad, and put it in your own profile as well as on the Lab Safety Page
  9. Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)
    • To be determined based on your project
  10. NSERC Disclosure information:
    • Your position is funded in part by NSERC grants, which requires us to describe all trainees (aka. You). Please read the NSERC consent form here. This information is for the University and funding agency statistics purposes. You don’t need to physically sign the form but need to respond to this e-mail to state
      • Whether we have your consent to list the rest of the information (condition of the employment/funding) and
      • Whether you consent to list your name (“no” means we do not list your name. Not a condition of the employment).
  11. SPIE Student chapter
    • All students are recommended to join a professional organization related to their research. The SPIE McMaster Student Chapter is one of the choices. Many of the lab's learning activities (e.g. group journal clubs) are co-hosted by the SPIE student chapter.

For More Information

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