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people:leungr 2011/07/19 21:34 people:leungr 2016/10/02 23:55 current
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Summer Research Student (2009 - 2010), Department of Engineering Physics,  McMaster University\\                        Summer Research Student (2009 - 2010), Department of Engineering Physics,  McMaster University\\                       
B.Eng (2010),  Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University\\ B.Eng (2010),  Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University\\
 +MD Program (2016-), Queen's University
=== Contact Information === === Contact Information ===
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=== Publications === === Publications ===
 +**Peer-reviewed Journal Papers**
 +  * Regina Won Kay Leung, Shu-Chi Allison Yeh, and Qiyin Fang, "Effects of incomplete decay in fluorescence lifetime estimation," Biomedical Optics Express 2(9):2517–2531, 2011. ({{:public:publications:fangq_yehsc_leungr_boe_2011.pdf|PDF}})
**Conference Oral Presentations** **Conference Oral Presentations**

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