
This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

people:huanga 2024/02/28 00:04 people:huanga 2024/05/02 10:09 current
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-<box round green left 100%> +<box round blue left 100%> 
-{{:people:profile:huanga.jpg?110}}\\+{{:people:profile: huanga.jpg?110}}\\
**Angela Huang**\\ **Angela Huang**\\
Westmount Secondary School\\ Westmount Secondary School\\
-Grade 12 Co-op Student +Grade 12 Co-op Student\\
- +
</box> </box>
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===== Safety Training ===== ===== Safety Training =====
|  **Course**  |  **Date Completed**  | |  **Course**  |  **Date Completed**  |
-|SAFE Training|In Progress+|SAFE Training|2024/02/28
-|Biosafety Training|In Progress+|Biosafety Training|2024/02/29
-|Chemical Handling and Spills|In Progress|+|Chemical Handling and Spills|2024/02/29|
|WHMIS |2024/02/28| |WHMIS |2024/02/28|
-|Laser Safety| In Progress|+|Laser Safety| 2024/02/29|
|Health and Safety Orientation|2024/02/27| |Health and Safety Orientation|2024/02/27|
-|Violence and Harassment Prevention|In Progress+|Violence and Harassment Prevention|2024/02/29
-|Basic Electricity|In Progress+|Basic Electricity|2024/02/29
-|Gas Cylinder|In Progress+|Gas Cylinder|2024/02/29
-|Primer on Privacy|In Progress+|Primer on Privacy|2024/02/29
-|AODA|In Progress|+|AODA|2024/02/29|
\\ \\

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