
This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

people:delimar 2014/05/29 12:23 people:delimar 2019/03/19 13:50 current
Line 1: Line 1:
-<box round blue left 60%> +<box round blue left 100%> 
-{{ :people:profile:delimar.png?160}}  +{{:people:profile:delimar.png?140x180}}  
**Roxanna Delima**\\ **Roxanna Delima**\\
-Undergraduate Student in Engineering Physics\\+Undergraduate Course Advisor\\ 
 +Engineering Physics and Co-op Student\\
[[http://engphys.mcmaster.ca|McMaster University]]\\ \\ [[http://engphys.mcmaster.ca|McMaster University]]\\ \\

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