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people:dacaae 2008/07/29 16:04 people:dacaae 2019/03/18 13:52 current
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-**Adriana Daca** \\ +=====Adriana Daca=====
UROP Scholar, Summer 2008 \\ UROP Scholar, Summer 2008 \\
-{{ :people:dacaa.jpg|Adriana E. Daca}} \\+{{ :people:profile:dacaae.jpg|Adriana E. Daca}} \\
-Office: CRL/B109 \\  +===Contact Information=== 
-voice: 905.963.3777 \\  +MDA Robotics
-email: dacaae @ mcmaster.ca \\ +
-\\ +===Biography=== 
-Adriana is currently in the Chemical Engineering and Biongineering program at McMaster University. She expects to graduate in May 2012 with the degree Bachelor of Engineering and Biosciences. +Adriana is currently in the Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering program at McMaster University. She expects to graduate in May 2012 with the degree Bachelor of Engineering and Biosciences.

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