
This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

people:brukker 2024/09/17 12:38 people:brukker 2024/09/26 12:46 current
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**Gabriella Brukker**\\ **Gabriella Brukker**\\
Dundas Valley Secondary School\\ Dundas Valley Secondary School\\
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|  **Co-op**  |12:30 pm - 4:30 pm|12:30 pm - 4:30 pm|12:30 pm - 4:30 pm| |  **Co-op**  |12:30 pm - 4:30 pm|12:30 pm - 4:30 pm|12:30 pm - 4:30 pm|
\\ \\
 +*Note: I will NOT be on campus on the following dates...
 +**Winter Break: December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2024**
===== Safety Training ===== ===== Safety Training =====
-|  **Course**  |  **Date Completed**  | +|  **Course**  |  **Date Completed (DD/MM/YYYY)**  | 
-|SAFE Training|| +|SAFE Training| 25/09/2024 
-|Biosafety Training|| +|Biosafety Training| 24/09/2024 
-|Chemical Handling and Spills|| +|Chemical Handling and Spills| 23/09/2024 
-|WHMIS 2015|| +|WHMIS 2015| 25/09/2024 
-|Laser Safety|| +|Laser Safety| 23/09/2024 
-|Health and Safety Orientation|| +|Health and Safety Orientation| 24/09/2024 
-|Violence and Harassment Prevention|| +|Violence and Harassment Prevention| 25/09/2024 
-|Basic Electricity|| +|Basic Electricity| 23/09/2024 
-|Gas Cylinder|| +|Gas Cylinder| 23/09/2024 
-|Primer on Privacy|| +|Primer on Privacy|   25/09/2024 
-|AODA and Human Rights Code|| +|AODA and Human Rights Code| 24/09/2024 
-|Ladder Safety ||+|Ladder Safety| 23/09/2024  |
\\ \\

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