
This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

people:alumni 2024/01/07 19:53 people:alumni 2024/06/14 14:53 current
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|  [[:people:palubiakd| Dr. Darek Palubiak]]  \\  2016-2017  |  [[:people:gaow19| Dr. Wen Gao]] \\  2016-2017  |  [[:people:stollem |Michael Stolle]]\\ McFocal Project  |  [[:people:alammw |M. Wajih Alam]]\\ McFocal Project  | |  [[:people:palubiakd| Dr. Darek Palubiak]]  \\  2016-2017  |  [[:people:gaow19| Dr. Wen Gao]] \\  2016-2017  |  [[:people:stollem |Michael Stolle]]\\ McFocal Project  |  [[:people:alammw |M. Wajih Alam]]\\ McFocal Project  |
^Doctoral Students^^^^ ^Doctoral Students^^^^
-|  [[:people:zonm|{{:people:profile:zonm.jpg?100|Michael Zon}}]]  |  [[:people:xiongb3|{{:people:profile:xiongb.jpg?80|Bo Xiong}}]]  |  [[:people:mahoneej|{{:people:profile:mahoneej.jpg?80|Eric Mahoney}}]]  |  | +|  [[:people:phillipsi|{{:people:profile:phillipsi.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:zonm|{{:people:profile:zonm.jpg?100|Michael Zon}}]]  |  [[:people:xiongb3|{{:people:profile:xiongb.jpg?80|Bo Xiong}}]]  |  [[:people:mahoneej|{{:people:profile:mahoneej.jpg?80|Eric Mahoney}}]]  |  
-|  [[:people:zonm|Michael Zon]] \\ 2017-2022  \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:xiongb3|Bo Xiong]] \\ 2017-2021  \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:mahoneej |Eric Mahoney]]\\ 2015-2020 \\ PhD BME  | |+[[:people:phillipsi|Ian Phillips]]\\ 2013-2014 BEng Eng Phys\\ MASc BME (2014 Enrolled,\\ 2016 PhD Transfer)\\ 2016-2023 PhD BME  |  [[:people:zonm|Michael Zon]] \\ 2017-2022  \\ MD/PhD BME  |  [[:people:xiongb3|Bo Xiong]] \\ 2017-2021  \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:mahoneej |Eric Mahoney]]\\ 2014-2016 MASc \\ 2016-2020 PhD BME  |
|  [[:people:TsikourasA|{{:people:profile:tsikourasa.png?100|Anthony Tsikouras}}]]  |  [[:people:aljekhedabf|{{:people:profile:aljekhedabf.jpg?100|Fahad Aljekhedab}}]]  |  [[:people:hirmizn|{{:people:profile:hirmizn.jpg?60X80|Nehad Hirmiz}}]]  |  [[:people:kunj|{{:people:profile:kunjj.jpg?110|}}]]  | |  [[:people:TsikourasA|{{:people:profile:tsikourasa.png?100|Anthony Tsikouras}}]]  |  [[:people:aljekhedabf|{{:people:profile:aljekhedabf.jpg?100|Fahad Aljekhedab}}]]  |  [[:people:hirmizn|{{:people:profile:hirmizn.jpg?60X80|Nehad Hirmiz}}]]  |  [[:people:kunj|{{:people:profile:kunjj.jpg?110|}}]]  |
-|  [[:people:TsikourasA|Anthony Tsikouras]]  \\  2010-2017 \\ PhD Eng Phys  |  [[:people:aljekhedabf |Fahad Aljekhedab]] \\ 2015-2019 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:hirmizn|Nehad Hirmiz]]\\ 2014-2019 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:kunj| Jessica Kun]]  \\  2019-2019  |+|  [[:people:TsikourasA|Anthony Tsikouras]]  \\  2010-2011 BEng Eng Phys \\ 2011-2012 MASc\\ 2015-2017 PhD Eng Phys  |  [[:people:aljekhedabf |Fahad Aljekhedab]] \\ 2015-2019 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:hirmizn|Nehad Hirmiz]]\\ 2014-2019 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:kunj| Jessica Kun]]  \\  2019-2019  |
|  [[:people:ledu|{{:people:profile:ledu.jpg?100|V. N. Du Le}}]]  |  [[:people:yehiar|{{:people:profile:yehiar.png?88X130|Ramy Yehia}}]]  |  [[:people:YehSC|{{:people:profile:yehsc.jpg?60X80|Allison Yeh}}]]  |  [[:people:niezhj|{{:people:profile:niezhj.png?60X90|Zhaojun Nie}}]]  | |  [[:people:ledu|{{:people:profile:ledu.jpg?100|V. N. Du Le}}]]  |  [[:people:yehiar|{{:people:profile:yehiar.png?88X130|Ramy Yehia}}]]  |  [[:people:YehSC|{{:people:profile:yehsc.jpg?60X80|Allison Yeh}}]]  |  [[:people:niezhj|{{:people:profile:niezhj.png?60X90|Zhaojun Nie}}]]  |
-|    [[:people:ledu|Du Le]]\\ 2013-2016 \\ PhD Med Phys  |   [[:people:yehiar |Ramy Yehia]] \\ 2013-2016 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:YehSC |Shu-Chi Allison Yeh]]\\ 葉書綺  \\ 2008-2015  \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:niezhj |Zhaojun Nie]] \\ 聂肇君 \\ 2009-2014 \\ PhD BME  | +|    [[:people:ledu|Du Le]]\\ 2013-2016 \\ PhD Med Phys  | [[:people:yehiar |Ramy Yehia]] \\ 2013-2016 \\ PhD BME  |  [[:people:YehSC |Shu-Chi Allison Yeh]]\\ 葉書綺  \\ 2008-2010 MASc \\ 2010-2015  PhD BME  |  [[:people:niezhj |Zhaojun Nie]] \\ 聂肇君 \\ 2009-2011 MASc \\ 2011-2014 PhD BME  |
^Master's Students^^^^ ^Master's Students^^^^
-|  [[:people:lijinghan|{{:people:profile:jinghan_li.jpg?100x120|Jinghan Li}}]]  |  [[:people:minukz|{{:people:profile:zachminuk1.jpg?100x100|Zach Minuk}}]]  |  [[:people:saundj1|{{:people:profile:saundj1.png?100x100|Jacob Saunders}}]]  | |  +|  [[:people:buendia|{{:people:profile:andreabuendia.jpg?130|Andrea Buendia}}]]  |  [[:people:lijinghan|{{:people:profile:jinghan_li.jpg?100x120|Jinghan Li}}]]  |  [[:people:minukz|{{:people:profile:zachminuk1.jpg?100x100|Zach Minuk}}]]  |  [[:people:saundj1|{{:people:profile:saundj1.png?100x100|Jacob Saunders}}]]  |  
-|  [[:people:lijinghan|Jinghan Li]]\\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:minukz|Zach Minuk]]\\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:saundj1 | Jacob Saunders]] \\ 2019-2022 \\ MSc BME  | |+|  [[:people:buendia|Andrea Buendia]]\\ 2022-2024 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:lijinghan|Jinghan Li]]\\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:minukz|Zach Minuk]]\\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:saundj1 | Jacob Saunders]] \\ 2019-2022 \\ MSc BME  |
|  [[:people:ganesg1|{{:people:profile:ganeshg.jpg?115x115|Guha Ganesh}}]]  |  [[:people:temkovm|{{:people:profile:melissa1.jpg?100x120|Melissa Temkov}}]]  |  [[:people:chauc1|{{:people:profile:chauc.jpg}}]]  |  [[:people:lixinhang|{{:people:profile:xinhang.jpg?130|Xinghang Li}}]]  | |  [[:people:ganesg1|{{:people:profile:ganeshg.jpg?115x115|Guha Ganesh}}]]  |  [[:people:temkovm|{{:people:profile:melissa1.jpg?100x120|Melissa Temkov}}]]  |  [[:people:chauc1|{{:people:profile:chauc.jpg}}]]  |  [[:people:lixinhang|{{:people:profile:xinhang.jpg?130|Xinghang Li}}]]  |
|  [[:people:ganesg1| Guha Ganesh]] \\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:temkovm| Melissa Temkov]] \\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:chauc| Colleen Chau]]  \\  2017-2021  \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:lixinhang|Xinhang Li]]\\ 2022 SEPT  | |  [[:people:ganesg1| Guha Ganesh]] \\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:temkovm| Melissa Temkov]] \\ 2020-2022 \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:chauc| Colleen Chau]]  \\  2017-2021  \\ MSc BME  |  [[:people:lixinhang|Xinhang Li]]\\ 2022 SEPT  |
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|  [[:people:duhui | Hui Du ]] \\ 杜慧 \\ 2016 MSc Chem Eng \\ Soochow  |  [[:people:luanyf | Yafei Luan ]] \\ 栾雅菲 \\ 2015 MSc Chem Eng  \\ Soochow  |  [[:people:wangxj | Xiaojing Wang ]] \\ 王晓晶 \\ 2014 MSc Chem Eng \\ Soochow  | |    |  [[:people:duhui | Hui Du ]] \\ 杜慧 \\ 2016 MSc Chem Eng \\ Soochow  |  [[:people:luanyf | Yafei Luan ]] \\ 栾雅菲 \\ 2015 MSc Chem Eng  \\ Soochow  |  [[:people:wangxj | Xiaojing Wang ]] \\ 王晓晶 \\ 2014 MSc Chem Eng \\ Soochow  | |   
^Undergraduate Students^^^^ ^Undergraduate Students^^^^
-|  [[:people:patelh|{{:people:profile:hardivp.jpg?110|Hardiv Patel}}]]  |  [[:people:polga|{{:people:profile:polga_laura.jpeg?130|Laura Polga}}]]  |  [[:people:ainabe|{{:people:profile:arielle.jpg?130|Arielle Ainabe}}]]  |  | +|  [[:people:raganyi|{{:people:profile:isabeller.jpg?130|Isabelle Ragany}}]]  |  [[:people:rikhic|{{:people:profile:charanjit_rikhi_1.jpg?120|Charanjit Rikhi}}]]  | ||| 
-|  [[:people:patelh|Hardiv Patel]] \\ 2023 \\ iBioMed-HESE  |  [[:people:polga|Laura Polga]]\\ 2023 \\ ECE   |  [[:people:ainabe|Arielle Ainabe]]\\ 2023 \\ Eng Phys  |  |+|  [[:people:raganyi|Isabelle Ragany]]\\ 2023 \\ iBioMed ECE  |  [[:people:rikhic|Charanjit Rikhi]]  \\ 2023 \\  iBioMed ECE  | ||| 
 +|  [[:people:pengm|{{:people:profile:meimei.jpg?100|Meimei Ruoxi Peng}}]]  |  [[:people:patelh|{{:people:profile:hardivp.jpg?110|Hardiv Patel}}]]  |  [[:people:polga|{{:people:profile:polga_laura.jpeg?130|Laura Polga}}]]  |  [[:people:ainabe|{{:people:profile:arielle.jpg?130|Arielle Ainabe}}]]  |   
 +|  [[:people:pengm|Meimei Ruoxi Peng]]\\ 2022-2024 \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:patelh|Hardiv Patel]] \\ 2023 \\ iBioMed-HESE  |  [[:people:polga|Laura Polga]]\\ 2023 \\ ECE |  [[:people:ainabe|Arielle Ainabe]]\\ 2023 \\ Eng Phys  | 
|  [[:people:miteav|{{:people:profile:victor_phot.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:shafique|{{:people:profile:fatima.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:chathees|{{:people:profile:shamera.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:gochman|{{:people:profile:katherin.jpg?130|Katherin Gochman}}]]  | |  [[:people:miteav|{{:people:profile:victor_phot.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:shafique|{{:people:profile:fatima.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:chathees|{{:people:profile:shamera.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:gochman|{{:people:profile:katherin.jpg?130|Katherin Gochman}}]]  |
-|  [[:people:miteav|Victor Mitea]] \\ 2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/ECE  |  [[:people:shafique|Fatima Shafique]]  \\ 2022-2023 \\  iBioMed - HESE  |  [[:people:chathees|Shamera Chatheechan]] \\ 2022-2023 \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:gochman|Katherine Gochman]] \\ 2023 \\ iSci - Med Phys  |+|  [[:people:miteav|Victor Mitea]] \\ 2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/ECE  |  [[:people:shafique|Fatima Shafique]]  \\ 2022-2023 \\  iBioMed - HESE  |  [[:people:chathees|Shamera Chatheechan]] \\ 2022-2023 \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:gochman|Katherine Gochman]] \\ 2023-2024 \\ iSci - Med Phys  |
|  [[:people:pavelic|{{:people:profile:jacqueline.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:pengm|{{:people:profile:meimei.jpg?100|Meimei Ruoxi Peng}}]]  |  [[:people:ghosh|{{:people:profile:oishee.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:prezj|{{:people:profile:prezj.jpg?110}}]]  | |  [[:people:pavelic|{{:people:profile:jacqueline.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:pengm|{{:people:profile:meimei.jpg?100|Meimei Ruoxi Peng}}]]  |  [[:people:ghosh|{{:people:profile:oishee.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:prezj|{{:people:profile:prezj.jpg?110}}]]  |
|  [[:people:pavelic|Jacqueline Pavelic]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Biology  |  [[:people:pengm|Meimei Ruoxi Peng]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:ghosh|Oishee Ghosh]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Arts & Science  |  [[:people:prezj|Justin Prez]]  \\ 2022-2023 \\  iBioMed - Software  | |  [[:people:pavelic|Jacqueline Pavelic]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Biology  |  [[:people:pengm|Meimei Ruoxi Peng]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:ghosh|Oishee Ghosh]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Arts & Science  |  [[:people:prezj|Justin Prez]]  \\ 2022-2023 \\  iBioMed - Software  |
|  [[:people:molinari|{{:people:profile:molinark.jpg?120|}}]]  |  [[:people:soomal|{{:people:profile:harghun.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:shamsaldin|{{:people:profile:ola.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:walgama|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?110|Januda Walgama}}]]  | |  [[:people:molinari|{{:people:profile:molinark.jpg?120|}}]]  |  [[:people:soomal|{{:people:profile:harghun.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:shamsaldin|{{:people:profile:ola.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:walgama|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?110|Januda Walgama}}]]  |
-|  [[:people:molinari|Kyle Molinari]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ iBioMed/ECE  |  [[:people:soomal|Harghun Soomal]] \\ 2023 iBioMed/HESE   |  [[:people:shamsaldin|Ola Shamsaldin]]  \\ 2023 \\  iBioMed - ECE  |  [[:people:walgama|Januda Walgama]]  \\ 2023 \\  iBioMed - ECE  |+|  [[:people:molinari|Kyle Molinari]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ iBioMed/ECE  |  [[:people:soomal|Harghun Soomal]] \\ 2023 iBioMed/HESE |  [[:people:shamsaldin|Ola Shamsaldin]]  \\ 2023 \\  iBioMed - ECE  |  [[:people:walgama|Januda Walgama]]  \\ 2023 \\  iBioMed - ECE  |
|  [[:people:solenkam|{{:people:profile:mattia.png?120|Mattia Solenka}}]]  |  [[:people:ireland|{{:people:profile:irelandg.jpg?100|George Justin Ireland}}]]  |  [[:people:lombardi|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?100|Vincent Lombardi}}]]  |    [[:people:ibrahim|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?100}}]]  | |  [[:people:solenkam|{{:people:profile:mattia.png?120|Mattia Solenka}}]]  |  [[:people:ireland|{{:people:profile:irelandg.jpg?100|George Justin Ireland}}]]  |  [[:people:lombardi|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?100|Vincent Lombardi}}]]  |    [[:people:ibrahim|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?100}}]]  |
|  [[:people:solenkam|Mattia Solenka]]\\ 2022 EREA \\ iBioMed/Chem  |  [[:people:ireland|George Justin Ireland]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Physics  |  [[:people:lombardi|Vincent Lombardi]]\\ 2022 \\ B-Tech  |  [[:people:ibrahim|Momen Ibrahim ]]\\ 2022 \\ Eng Phys  | |  [[:people:solenkam|Mattia Solenka]]\\ 2022 EREA \\ iBioMed/Chem  |  [[:people:ireland|George Justin Ireland]]\\ 2022-2023 \\ Physics  |  [[:people:lombardi|Vincent Lombardi]]\\ 2022 \\ B-Tech  |  [[:people:ibrahim|Momen Ibrahim ]]\\ 2022 \\ Eng Phys  |
|  [[:people:dyments|{{:people:profile:dymentsophie.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:malicn|{{:people:profile:nikolina.jpg?115}}]]  |  [[:people:cadab|{{:people:profile:bogdancadaprofile.jpg?130|Bogdan Cada}}]]  |  [[:people:nicholsonb|{{:people:profile:brandonn.jpg?130}}]]  | |  [[:people:dyments|{{:people:profile:dymentsophie.jpg?100}}]]  |  [[:people:malicn|{{:people:profile:nikolina.jpg?115}}]]  |  [[:people:cadab|{{:people:profile:bogdancadaprofile.jpg?130|Bogdan Cada}}]]  |  [[:people:nicholsonb|{{:people:profile:brandonn.jpg?130}}]]  |
-|  [[:people:dyments|Sophie Dyment]]\\ 2021-2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:malicn|Nikolina Malic]] \\ 2020-2022 \\ Neuroscience  |  [[:people:cadab|Bogdan Cada]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ Medical Physics  |  [[:people:nicholsonb|Brandon Nicholson]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ Integrated Science  |  +|  [[:people:dyments|Sophie Dyment]]\\ 2021-2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |  [[:people:malicn|Nikolina Malic]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ Neuroscience  |  [[:people:cadab|Bogdan Cada]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ Medical Physics  |  [[:people:nicholsonb|Brandon Nicholson]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ Integrated Science  | 
|  [[:people:castillo|{{:people:profile:delcastillo.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:demeloz|{{:people:profile:Zac.jpg?80}}]]  |  [[:people:jainv8|{{:people:profile:varun.jpg?130}}]]  |  {{:people:profile:MadelynHogan.jpg?130}}  | |  [[:people:castillo|{{:people:profile:delcastillo.jpg?130}}]]  |  [[:people:demeloz|{{:people:profile:Zac.jpg?80}}]]  |  [[:people:jainv8|{{:people:profile:varun.jpg?130}}]]  |  {{:people:profile:MadelynHogan.jpg?130}}  |
|  [[:people:castillo|Gail Del Castillo]] \\ 2021 \\ Biology  |  [[:people:demeloz|Zac DeMelo]] \\ 2021  \\ iBioMed/Software  |  [[:people:jainv8|Varun Jain]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ iBioMed/HESE  |  [[:people:hoganm|Madelyn Hogan]] \\ 2021-2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  | |  [[:people:castillo|Gail Del Castillo]] \\ 2021 \\ Biology  |  [[:people:demeloz|Zac DeMelo]] \\ 2021  \\ iBioMed/Software  |  [[:people:jainv8|Varun Jain]] \\ 2021-2022 \\ iBioMed/HESE  |  [[:people:hoganm|Madelyn Hogan]] \\ 2021-2022 NSERC \\ iBioMed/Eng Phys  |
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|  [[:people:DeenI |Imran Deen]]\\ 2006\\ Materials Engineering  |  -  |  -  |  -  | |  [[:people:DeenI |Imran Deen]]\\ 2006\\ Materials Engineering  |  -  |  -  |  -  |
^    International Exchange Undergraduate Students  ^^^^ ^    International Exchange Undergraduate Students  ^^^^
-|  [[:people:delahaye|{{:people:profile:lea.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:leclerc|{{:people:profile:emerick.jpg?110}}]]  | |  | +|  [[:people:delahaye|{{:people:profile:lea.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:leclerc|{{:people:profile:emerick.jpg?110}}]]  | [[:people:mishra|{{:people:profile:Abeer.jpg?110}}]]  |  [[:people:moonch|{{:people:profile:Chanyu.jpg?110}}]] |  
-|  [[:people:delahaye|Lea Delahaye]]  \\ 2023 \\ IUT Rennes  |  [[:people:leclerc|Emerick Leclerc]]  \\ 2023 \\ IUT Rennes  |  |  |+|  [[:people:delahaye|Lea Delahaye]]  \\ 2023 \\ IUT Rennes  |  [[:people:leclerc|Emerick Leclerc]]  \\ 2023 \\ IUT Rennes  |  [[:people:mishra|Abeer Mistra]] \\ 2023 \\ IIT -  |  [[:people:moonch|Chanyu Moon]]  \\ 2023 \\ DGIST  |
|  [[:people:jacquot|{{:people:profile:juliette.jpg?100|Juliette Jacquot}}]]  |  [[:people:nombalay|{{:people:profile:clement2.jpg?100|Clément Nombalay}}]]  |  [[:people:liufq|{{:people:profile:fengquanliu.jpg?100x100|FengQuan Liu}}]]  |  | |  [[:people:jacquot|{{:people:profile:juliette.jpg?100|Juliette Jacquot}}]]  |  [[:people:nombalay|{{:people:profile:clement2.jpg?100|Clément Nombalay}}]]  |  [[:people:liufq|{{:people:profile:fengquanliu.jpg?100x100|FengQuan Liu}}]]  |  |
|  [[:people:jacquot|Juliette Jacquot]]  \\  2022  \\  MEng BME \\ ISIFC Besançon  |  [[:people:nombalay|Clément Nombalay]]  \\  2022 MITACS  \\  BEng ECE \\ Centrale Nantes  |  [[:people:liufq|FengQuan Liu]]\\ 2022 MITACS  \\  Physics/USTC  |  | |  [[:people:jacquot|Juliette Jacquot]]  \\  2022  \\  MEng BME \\ ISIFC Besançon  |  [[:people:nombalay|Clément Nombalay]]  \\  2022 MITACS  \\  BEng ECE \\ Centrale Nantes  |  [[:people:liufq|FengQuan Liu]]\\ 2022 MITACS  \\  Physics/USTC  |  |
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|  [[:people:WangYong| Wang Yong]] \\  2018 \\  Wuhan U/Physics  |  [[:people:yun|Naixin Yu]]  \\  于乃馨  \\ 2016 MITACS \\ Tianjin U BME  |  [[:people:sridhard|Deepak Sridhar]]  \\  2015 MITACS \\  NIT Trichy  |  [[:people:GuptaN|Nishil Gupta]] \\ 2007 \\ Computer Sciences \\ IIT  | |  [[:people:WangYong| Wang Yong]] \\  2018 \\  Wuhan U/Physics  |  [[:people:yun|Naixin Yu]]  \\  于乃馨  \\ 2016 MITACS \\ Tianjin U BME  |  [[:people:sridhard|Deepak Sridhar]]  \\  2015 MITACS \\  NIT Trichy  |  [[:people:GuptaN|Nishil Gupta]] \\ 2007 \\ Computer Sciences \\ IIT  |
^High School Students^^^^ ^High School Students^^^^
-|  [[:people:chatheechan|{{:people:profile:lageera.jpg?100|Lageera Chatheechan}}]]  |  [[:people:chkeir|{{:people:profile:saffi.jpeg?100x120|Saffi Chkeir}}]]  |  |  | +|  [[:people:chatheechan|{{:people:profile:lageera.jpg?100|Lageera Chatheechan}}]]  |  [[:people:chkeir|{{:people:profile:saffi.jpeg?100x120|Saffi Chkeir}}]]  |  [[:people:xuw|{{:people:profile:william.jpg?110}}]] | [[:people:choungl|{{:people:profile:leoc.jpg?110}}]]    |   
-|  [[:people:chatheechan| Lageera Chatheechan]]  \\  2022  |  [[:people:chkeir|Saffi Chkeir ]]  \\  2022  |  |  |+|  [[:people:chatheechan| Lageera Chatheechan]]  \\  2022  |  [[:people:chkeir|Saffi Chkeir ]]  \\  2022  |  [[:people:xuw|William Xu]]  \\ 2023 \\  |  [[:people:choungl|Leo Choung]]  \\ 2023 \\ BTHS |
|  [[:people:kuderc|{{:people:profile:kuderc.jpg?130x130|}}]]  |  [[:people:Don|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?130x130}}]]  |  [[:people:leram|{{:people:profile:leram.png?100|Massimo Lera}}]]  |  [[:people:persichl|{{:people:profile:persicl.jpg?100|Laura Persichini}}]]  | |  [[:people:kuderc|{{:people:profile:kuderc.jpg?130x130|}}]]  |  [[:people:Don|{{:people:profile:no-photo.jpg?130x130}}]]  |  [[:people:leram|{{:people:profile:leram.png?100|Massimo Lera}}]]  |  [[:people:persichl|{{:people:profile:persicl.jpg?100|Laura Persichini}}]]  |
|  [[:people:kuderc| Caelin Kuder]]  \\  2019  |  [[:people:Don| Don Do]]  \\  2018  |  [[:people:leram |Massimo Lera]]\\ 2020  |  [[:people:persichl |Laura Persichini]]\\ 2020  | |  [[:people:kuderc| Caelin Kuder]]  \\  2019  |  [[:people:Don| Don Do]]  \\  2018  |  [[:people:leram |Massimo Lera]]\\ 2020  |  [[:people:persichl |Laura Persichini]]\\ 2020  |

Personal Tools