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Smart Home Monitoring Technologies
Revised: 2020 06 24
Background and Challenges
As our population continues to age we are becoming more aware of challenges faced by our elders and increases in costs to the healthcare system. The quality of life of our elders tends to decline with age as they face new challenges. In many cases elderly residents must move to a new home or retirement community in order to receive the assistance they need as they age. Several remote monitoring technologies are emerging with a focus on improving the quality of life of our elders including point of care diagnostic devices, wearable sensors, and home monitoring devices.
The development of PoC diagnostic devices and integrated home monitoring systems may enable more continuous and personalized monitoring of individuals from home as they age. Additionally, more useful information can be obtained through the integration of sensor systems. For example fall detection systems and indoor tracking systems together could provide information about if a fall has occurred as well as where the fall took place.
Research Objectives
Our research objectives are to develop PoC diagnostic devices and home monitoring systems with applications in remote health monitoring and to assist aging in place. Devices are developed and tested in the lab, then built into a smart home test environment to verify the performance of our devices.
Smart Home Monitoring Technologies
Our remote monitoring devices include:
- Medication Compliance Monitoring
- Indoor tracking for wayfinding
- Indoor tracking for behavior monitoring
- Smart scales for weight monitoring
- Smart toilet for fluid analysis and kidney function
- Temperature, Humidity, and Light control
Current Projects Include:
- Smart Pillbox
- Cough Detection Algorithm for hardware integration
- Pain Mapping Integration
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