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Nankai Physics 91 Reunion 2010
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Please contact Fang or Du if you have any questions.
When: July 1 to 5, 2010
Where: Ocean City, MD
Town House address:
Unit 1, 1209 Dayton Lane , Ocean City , MD
Google Map
- Confirmed: (put accommodation option and dates next to your name)
- WANG Xing (Townhouse, July 1-5);
- Rulai (Townhouse, July 1-5)
- WANG Peng (Townhouse, July 1-5);
- Du (Townhouse, July 1-5);
- Yibing (Townhouse, July 3-4);
- Fang (Roadway Inn: July 3-4, to NC first then go up);
- Pang (Roadway Inn: July 3-5; then DC 2-3 days);
- Luo Hong (Roadway Inn: July 4-5);
- Kejing (July 1 then going to China on July 4);
- SUN Ming (July 4);
- No:
- LIU Yan (in Hangzhou);
- Dong Ke (busy at work in July)
- Niu Anfu (prior commitment)
- Jia Dong
- TIAN GuoYun (Visa unavailable)
A 4 bedroom townhouse has been booked in Ocean City and will be used as the reunion location. So far, four families have already signed up for that four bedrooms. The rest of people can either book hotels rooms by yourself, or rent another house/condo together. The typical hotel room cost are about $240/night including tax. Given Ocean City is one of the hottest place for vacation and July 4th weekend is the hottest summer vacation time, it is very difficult to get hotel rooms or vacations rentals in Ocean City around that time. Please book early.
Ocean City is connected from the mainland by two bridges and major traffic delay is expected during that time to get in Ocean City. If you're driving to Ocean City, please allow extra time.
Dinner on Saturday July 3rd
$25 all you can eat blue crab in Phillips Crab House, which is a few blocks away from the townhouse in Ocean City.
There are a lot of activities on the beach. There are also some duty-free outlets in Delaware, ~40 minutes drive form Ocean city.
Independent Day in Washington DC
DC is only 2-3 hours away if traffic is good. At the south bottom of Ocean city is the Assateague state park, where you can see wild horses on the beach. You can also drive down to Virgina beach through route 13. Ocean City is a tourist town, a lot of family friendly activities, such as water park, mini golf, …
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