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Name: Renato Evangelista de Araujo (McMaster visiting adjunct professor 2024-2025)

E-mails: ; ;;

Brief Biography:

Dr. Renato de Araujo got his doctoral degree in physics at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil (2001). He did his postdoctoral training at the Robotic Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (PA, USA - 2002), and at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CA, USA - 2003). In 2006, he received the TWAS Young Scientists Award from the Academy of Science for the Developing World. In 2013, he got the SUS Science and Technology Award from the Brazilian Ministry of Health for his work on Dengue. Dr. de Araujo has been a professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco since 2006. His main research interests are biophotonics, plasmonics, biosensors, optical spectroscopy and imaging.

Academic data:

· BSc. in Physics – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil (1991-1994).

· M.Sc. in Physics – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil (1995-1997).

· Ph.D. in Physics – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil (1997-2001).

· Pos-Doc. at Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA (2001 - 2002).

· Pos-Doc. at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, CA, USA (2002 - 2003)

Professional positions:

· Deputy-head of the Department of Electronics and Systems, Federal University of Pernambuco. Recife, Brazil; 2015-2017.

· Professor at the Dep. of Electronics and Systems, Federal University of Pernambuco. Recife, Brazil; since 2006.

Distinctions and Prizes:

· TWAS Young Scientists 2006, Brazilian Academy of Sciences / Academy of science for the developing world (TWAS).

· SUS Science and Technology Award, 2013, from the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

Committees and Organization of events

XXIII Brazilian congress on biomedical engineering (2012).

International microwave and optoelectronics conference (2015).

10th International Conference on Nanophotonics. (2017)

VI International Optics and Photonics Conference - SBFOTON IOPC 2022. (2022)

Supervision of student


5 Ph.D student (Electrical Eng.)


9 Master students (Electrical and Biomedical Eng.)

12 PhD students (Electrical Eng.)

6 Postdocs. (Electrical Eng.)

15 undergrad students (Electrical and Biomedical Eng.)

International Research Support (as principal investigator)

· N62909-18-1-2099 Office of Naval Research (EUA), Charge transfer plasmon metamolecules for infrared optical therapy, 2018-2020.

· FA9550-12-1-0431, South American Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Nanotechnology Based 3D Optical Imaging for Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural Integrity, 2013 – 2017.

Publications (2021 - 2025)

1. Pedrosa, Túlio de L. ; de Araujo, Renato E. ; Wachsmann-Hogiu, Sebastian . On-Chip Polarization Light Microscopy. BIOSENSORS, v. 15, p. 79, 2025.

2. Cardozo, O.; … de Araujo, Renato E. . Diffusion-enhanced efficiency of perovskite solar cells. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 35, p. 876, 2024.

3. Cardozo, O. … de Araujo, Renato E. ; Farooq, S. . Superior Performance of Hollow Plasmonic Cubic Structures for Solar Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage Systems. Plasmonics, v. 1, p. 1, 2024.

4. de Oliveira, G. M. F.; Pedrosa, Túlio de L. ; de Araujo, Renato E.. Near Infrared photothermal inactivation of Candida albicans assisted by plasmonic nanorods. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, v. 1, p. 104309, 2024.

5. Pedrosa, Túlio de L. … de Araujo, Renato E.. Tailoring Plasmonic Nanoheaters Size for Enhanced Theranostic Agent Performance. Bioengineering-Basel, v. 11, p. 934, 2024.

6. Farooq, S. … de Araujo, Renato E. . Advanced Sensing Applications Utilizing a High-Performance Narrow-Band Metamaterial Perfect Absorber Based on ZnO Architecture. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 24, p. 1-1, 2024.

7. Pedrosa, Túlio de L. ; Boudebs, G. ; de Araujo, Renato E. Evaluation of Plasmonic Optical Heating by Thermal Lens Spectroscopy. Plasmonics, v. 19, p. 1839-1844, 2024.

8. Farooq, S …. de Araujo, Renato E; Kabashin, Andrei V. ; Rativa, D., Thermo-optical performance of bare laser-synthesized TiN nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector applications. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, v. 252, p. 112203, 2023.

9. Baltar, R. … de Araujo, Renato E., Selecting plasmonic nanoshells for colorimetric sensors. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, v. 40, p. C40, 2023.

10. Farooq, S …. de Araujo, Renato E., High performance blended nanofluid based on gold nanorods chain for harvesting solar radiation. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, v. 218, 119212, 2023.

11. Farooq, S., Rativa, D. and de Araujo, Renato E., Quantitative Analysis of High Performance Plasmonic Metamolecules for Targeted Deep Tissues Applications. PLASMONICS, 2023.

12. Jéssica E. S.,…, de Araujo, Renato E., de Matos, C.J.S., Grasseschi, D., Surface Plasmon Resonance Platforms for Chemical and Bio-Sensing, Editor: Roger Narayan, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SENSORS AND BIOSENSORS (First Edition), Elsevier, p. 316-353, 2023.

13. Cardozo, O… de Araujo, Renato E., Zinc oxide nanodiffusers to enhance p3ht:pcbm organic solar cells performance. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 33, p. 3225–3236, 2022.

14. Farooq, S…. de Araujo, Renato E., Ultra-sensitive Narrow-band Plasmonic Perfect Absorber for Sensing Applications. PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, v. 50, p. 101018, 2022.

15. Pedrosa, T. … de Araujo, Renato E., Selecting High-Performance Gold Nanorods for Photothermal Conversion. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, p. 4188, 2022.

16. Farooq, S…. de Araujo, Renato E., Rativa, D., Optimizing and Quantifying Gold Nanospheres Based on LSPR Label-Free Biosensor for Dengue Diagnosis. POLYMERS, v. 14, p. 1592-1604, 2022.

17. Fonsaca, J …. de Araujo, Renato E., de Matos, Christiano J.S. ; Grasseschi, Daniel . Surface Plasmon Resonance Platforms for Chemical and Bio Sensing. REFERENCE MODULE IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES. 1ed.: Elsevier, 2021.

18. Vital, C. V. P. …. de Araujo, Renato E., Gómez-Malagón, L. A, Numerical assessment of transition metal nitrides nanofluids for improved performance of direct absorption solar collectors. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, v. 190, p. 116799, 2021.

19. Farooq, S…. de Araujo, Renato E., High performance gold dimeric nanorods for plasmonic molecular sensing. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 1, p. 13184-13191 , 2021.

20. Farooq, S. and de Araujo, Renato E., Identifying high performance gold nanoshells for singlet oxygen generation enhancement. PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, v. 35, p. 102466, 2021.

Complete list of publication can be found at (Google Scholar):

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