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training_centre_support_resources [2016/08/31 11:08]
training_centre_support_resources [2016/11/28 15:59] (current)
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 ==== Getting Started ==== ==== Getting Started ====
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 Navigating the WebEx Site: [[https://​help.webex.com/​videos/​1190]] Navigating the WebEx Site: [[https://​help.webex.com/​videos/​1190]]
 +[[https://​help.webex.com/​docs/​DOC-1052|Cisco WebEx FAQ's for Training Centre]]
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 +====== IMPORTANT: Students having issues joining WebEx sessions ======
 + If your students have issues joining your session, you might be running into a bug we have discovered, regarding Outlook/​MacMail. If you copy the information to send to your students, including the link, from your email that is opened in Outlook or the browser version of MacMail, that link will get broken by some extra formatting that Outlook inserts in the link. As a result, when students click on the link, it will take them to an Outlook/​MacMail login page, instead of the session link. There is a workaround that you, or the student can do to get to the correct link:
 +If you click on the link and it redirects you to an Outlook/​MacMail login page, please go back to the link and copy-paste it into your browser instead of clicking on the link. If the copy-paste does not work, first copy-paste your link into a text tool such as Notepad that strips formatting, then copy-paste the link that is now in Notepad and put it in a browser. It should now direct you to the correct session link.
 +If you are posting your link in Avenue, please ensure you perform this workaround first before you paste that link into Avenue.
 +**Please note:** Students DO NOT have accounts in WebEx. They are attendees that join the session with the link you give them. Accounts in WebEx are only for faculty/​staff at McMaster. ​
 ==== Other Resources ==== ==== Other Resources ====
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