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using_creative_commons_licenses [2016/08/21 11:37]
maizlinn [Finding Licenses and Attributing Work]
using_creative_commons_licenses [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 ====Derivative Work==== ====Derivative Work====
-However, you may also alter the photo, such as removing its background or making it significantly different from the original. This is called creating a derivative. An example of such attribution is:+You may also alter the photo, such as removing its background or making it significantly different from the original. This is called creating a derivative. An example of such attribution is:
 {{:​remove_background_-2.png?​300|}} {{:​remove_background_-2.png?​300|}}
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 Creative Commons defines a derivative work as "a work based upon the Work or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation,​ musical arrangement,​ dramatization,​ fictionalization,​ motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,​ abridgment, condensation,​ or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed,​ or adapted."​((https://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-nd/​3.0/​us/​legalcode)) Creative Commons defines a derivative work as "a work based upon the Work or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation,​ musical arrangement,​ dramatization,​ fictionalization,​ motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,​ abridgment, condensation,​ or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed,​ or adapted."​((https://​creativecommons.org/​licenses/​by-nc-nd/​3.0/​us/​legalcode))
-=====Finding ​Licenses ​and Attributing Work===== +=====Finding and Using Licenses=====
-When making attributions,​ it's best to place the attribution as close to the work used as possible. It's should also be easily visible. So if you're using a picture, an attribution directly under the picture is ideal. If an attribution directly beside the work is not possible, it can be placed in the footer of the page. +
 The author of the copyrighted work should indicate the type of CC license applied to their work. You can search all of Creative Commons works from their page [[https://​search.creativecommons.org/​|here]] The author of the copyrighted work should indicate the type of CC license applied to their work. You can search all of Creative Commons works from their page [[https://​search.creativecommons.org/​|here]]
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 It's possible that the work you're attributing may not have a title. In that case, it's best to mention the medium of the work and include a link to the original source. The author may also not have a profile page to link to. However, it's best to link whatever is possible for best practice. More information about proper attribution can be found [[https://​wiki.creativecommons.org/​wiki/​Best_practices_for_attribution|here]]. It's possible that the work you're attributing may not have a title. In that case, it's best to mention the medium of the work and include a link to the original source. The author may also not have a profile page to link to. However, it's best to link whatever is possible for best practice. More information about proper attribution can be found [[https://​wiki.creativecommons.org/​wiki/​Best_practices_for_attribution|here]].
-**While ​the wording ​of the attribution is flexible, it's important to avoid making the attribution ​sound as if the author is endorsing your use of their work. +However, authors can often change ​the license on their work -- it's important that you do so as well. Creative Commons may also update the version ​of their license, and while this shouldn'​t significantly change ​the license, once again, it's important to update your attribution as well (this can be as simple as updating ​the version number in the attribution).
-However, it'​s ​important ​to keep in mind that authors can often change ​the license on their work -- it'​s ​important that you do so as wellCreative Commons may also update ​the version of their license, and while this shouldn'​t significantly change the license, once again, it's important to update your attribution as well.+=====Placing Attributions===== 
 +When making attributions, it'​s ​best to place the attribution as close to the work used as possible. It'​s ​should also be easily visible. So if you're using a picture, an attribution directly under the picture is idealIf an attribution directly beside ​the work is not possible, it can be placed in the footer of the page.
 +**While the wording of the attribution is flexible, it's important to avoid phrasing it as if the author is endorsing your use of their work.
-====Attributing Public Domain Works====+===Attributing Public Domain Works===
 If a work is marked as public domain, it doesn'​t necessarily require attribution. Nevertheless,​ it's good practice to attribute the work to the original author, if only with a link, as it can help avoid future copyright disputes. If a work is marked as public domain, it doesn'​t necessarily require attribution. Nevertheless,​ it's good practice to attribute the work to the original author, if only with a link, as it can help avoid future copyright disputes.
 =====Tips===== =====Tips=====
-Google Search provides an option to filter images by usage rights. This can be found by going to Images > Search Tools > Usage Rights.+Google Search provides an option to filter images by usage rights. This can be found by going to Images > Search Tools > Usage Rights ​near the top of the screen.
 ======External Links====== ======External Links======
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