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sharing [2016/07/01 15:22]
maizlinn [Cancelling shares]
sharing [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 Instead of just making your portfolio searchable on the internet, you can also directly link to it on your social media pages (such as Facebook and Twitter). This can open your project up to a greater audience, specifically to the people with whom you are connected on social media. Instead of just making your portfolio searchable on the internet, you can also directly link to it on your social media pages (such as Facebook and Twitter). This can open your project up to a greater audience, specifically to the people with whom you are connected on social media.
-To share a link, click on the “Share” option under the “I want to…” button. Select “With the web”. Once you have chosen your permissions and clicked on the “Share asset” button at the bottom of the menu, you are given the additional option to copy the URL linking to your project. Once you have copied the URL, you can paste on social media for others to access.+1. To share a link, click on the “Share” option under the “I want to…” button. Select “With the web”.  
 +2. Once you have chosen your permissions and clicked on the “Share asset” button at the bottom of the menu, you are given the additional option to copy the URL linking to your project.  
 +3. Once you have copied the URL, you can paste on social media for others to access.
 {{:​share_web_-2.1.jpg?​300|}} {{:​share_web_-2.1.jpg?​300|}}
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