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role_list [2019/10/23 13:20]
role_list [2020/02/06 13:15] (current)
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 <h1 style="​color:​Black;​font-size:​27px;"><​b>​ Role List </​b></​h1>​ <h1 style="​color:​Black;​font-size:​27px;"><​b>​ Role List </​b></​h1>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​
 +<​html><​h3><​b>​Roles and their levels on Avenue to Learn</​b></​h3></​html>​
 +  * **TA 1** = equivalent to instructor but can only see their own sections
 +  * **TA 2** = equivalent to student
 +  * **TA 3** = a TA that is responsible for grading papers, quizzes
 +  * **TA 4** = a TA that is responsible for using the grades tool only
 +  * **TA 5** = a TA that is responsible for uploading content, and grading papers, quizzes
 +  * **TA 6** = a TA that is responsible for uploading content, no grading
 +  * **Course Developer** = a role that would help setup a course, but not deliver the course
 +<​html><​h3>​Table below indicates <​b>​Permissions</​b>​ for different roles on Avenue to Learn</​h3></​html>​
 |               ​|^ ​                   ^^ Instructor ​        ^ Course Developer ^ Student ^ TA1 ^ TA2 ^ TA3 ^ TA4 ^ TA5 ^ TA6 ^ |               ​|^ ​                   ^^ Instructor ​        ^ Course Developer ^ Student ^ TA1 ^ TA2 ^ TA3 ^ TA4 ^ TA5 ^ TA6 ^
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 ^              ^| **See All Grades** ​ ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | Yes | Yes | Yes | No  | ^              ^| **See All Grades** ​ ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | Yes | Yes | Yes | No  |
 ^              ^| **Create Items** ​   ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | No  | No  | Yes | No  | ^              ^| **Create Items** ​   ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | No  | No  | Yes | No  |
-^              ^| **Grade** ​          ​||Yes ​                | No               | No      | Yes | No  | No  ​| Yes | No  | No  |+^              ^| **Grade** ​          ​||Yes ​                | No               | No      | Yes | No  | Yes | Yes | No  | No  |
 ^ RUBRICS ​     ^| **See Rubrics** ​    ​||Yes ​                | Yes              | Yes     | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ^ RUBRICS ​     ^| **See Rubrics** ​    ​||Yes ​                | Yes              | Yes     | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
 ^              ^| **Create Rubrics** ​ ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | Yes | No  | Yes | No  | ^              ^| **Create Rubrics** ​ ||Yes                 | Yes              | No      | Yes | No  | Yes | No  | Yes | No  |
-  * **TA 1** = equivalent to instructor but can only see their own sections 
-  * **TA 2** = equivalent to student 
-  * **TA 3** = a TA that is responsible for grading papers, quizzes 
-  * **TA 4** = a TA that is responsible for using the grades tool only 
-  * **TA 5** = a TA that is responsible for uploading content, and grading papers, quizzes 
-  * **TA 6** = a TA that is responsible for uploading content, no grading 
-  * **Course Developer** = a role that would help setup a course, but not deliver the course 
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