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reusing_existing_portfolio_pages [2016/07/01 13:15]
reusing_existing_portfolio_pages [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 ==== Reusing Portfolio Assets ==== ==== Reusing Portfolio Assets ====
-Whenever you upload an asset (a video, an image or other type of file) to use in a PebblePad project, it's automatically saved to the Asset Store. So the next time you insert ​an image and click on it to upload ​an asset, you can immediately choose from all the image assets that you've previously uploaded to PebblePad from a side panel. The same applies to video, audio, and banner blocks. ​+Whenever you upload an asset (a video, an imageor other type of file) to use in a PebblePad project, it's automatically saved to the Asset Store. So the next time you choose ​an image for an image block, you can immediately choose from all the image assets that you've previously uploaded to PebblePad from a side panel. The same applies to video, audio, and banner blocks. ​
 ==== Reusing Pages ==== ==== Reusing Pages ====
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