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renaming_a_portfolio_page [2016/05/26 16:27]
maizlinn created
renaming_a_portfolio_page [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 ====== Renaming a portfolio page ====== ====== Renaming a portfolio page ======
 {{:​name_page.jpg?​300 |}} {{:​name_page.jpg?​300 |}}
-To rename a page, simply ​click on the cog icon on the tab of the desired page. You can then highlight the current title of the page and change it, pressing the “Confirm” button to save or “Cancel” to revert the name.+To rename a page, click on the cog icon on the tab of the desired page. You can then highlight the current title of the page and change it, pressing the “Confirm” button to save or “Cancel” to revert ​to the previous ​name.
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