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The Quiz tool is another assessment utility that can be used to evaluate your students. Please refer to the Self Directed Study area to view some material that we present in our Quizzes workshop.
How do I setup a Quiz on Avenue to Learn?
Quiz Properties:
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Managing Quizzes:
Grading a Single Question:
Restrictions and Attempts:
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What is the Question Library?
Question Library (Common Elements) Part 1:
Question Library (Common Elements) Part 2:
Creating Multiple Choice Questions:
Creating True and False Questions:
Creating Multi Select Questions:
Creating Fill In the Blank Questions:
Creating Ordering Questions:
Creating Significant Figure Questions:
Creating Long Answer Questions:
How to regrade a question in a quiz on Avenue
David Di Battista’s Presentation on Multiple Choice Assessments:,_2011.pdf
Please let us know if you have any pedagogical input for this tool.
For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or email