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protocols_for_3rd_party_integrations [2019/04/24 13:45]
protocols_for_3rd_party_integrations [2019/04/24 13:46] (current)
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 The vendor must also provide us with administration/​integration guides for our LMS (“D2L/​Brightspace”,​ aka ‘Avenue to Learn’), for consideration. The vendor must also provide us with administration/​integration guides for our LMS (“D2L/​Brightspace”,​ aka ‘Avenue to Learn’), for consideration.
-There are no guarantees that an integration will be done to the LMS, especially if the above factors are not addressed fully. ​+There are no guarantees that an integration will be done to the LMS, especially if the above factors are not addressed fully. ​For more information,​ contact support at http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​support/​
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