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If you have created portfolio presentations in D2L (McMaster's previous learning portfolio tool), you may wish to transfer them over to PebblePad. While there is no direct way to directly transfer and edit a presentation, it's still possible to carry over all its elements, such as images and text. These elements can then be uploaded to PebblePad and arranged in a new project.
1. Log into Avenue to Learn and click on the Learning Portfolio menu at the top of the page. Select Learning Portfolio (D2L).
2. This will open your D2L space, where you can open or create portfolio presentations. Find and open the presentation you wish to transfer to PebblePad.
3. Click on the small downward arrow/triangle beside the title of the presentation and click on the Export option.
4. When you click Export, you are given two options. Both will download as .zip files:
5. Download either option and open the .zip file.
7. Create a new PebblePad portfolio or page. Upload all files and images as assets and create text blocks in the projects to paste in the saved text from the presentations.