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formatting_text [2016/06/17 14:29]
formatting_text [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 ====== Formatting Text ====== ====== Formatting Text ======
 You can format the text in a text block to highlight or organize certain content. This includes making the text bold, italicized, changing its font, changing its color, adding links or creating bullet points. You can format the text in a text block to highlight or organize certain content. This includes making the text bold, italicized, changing its font, changing its color, adding links or creating bullet points.
-To do so, double click the text to highlight it. An option menu will appear with formatting options for the selected text.+To do so, double click the text to highlight it. A formatting bar will appear with formatting options for the selected text.
 {{:​format.jpg?​500|}} {{:​format.jpg?​500|}}
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