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editing_images_using_apps [2016/07/07 19:29]
editing_images_using_apps [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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 1. When starting a new Pixlr project, choose to open an image from your computer and find the desired image. The image will open in a window within the editor. ​ 1. When starting a new Pixlr project, choose to open an image from your computer and find the desired image. The image will open in a window within the editor. ​
-2. To change the image size or dimensions, go to "Image > Image size" from the toolbar at the top of the screen.+2. To change the image size or dimensions, go to "Image > Image size" from the toolbar at the top of the screen ​((Image: River Biya by [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​User:​Dmitri_melnikov|Dmitry melnikov]])).
 {{:​image_resize_p-1.jpg?​450|}} {{:​image_resize_p-1.jpg?​450|}}
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