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dropbox [2018/08/27 10:22]
dropbox [2020/06/19 10:24] (current)
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 [[:​start|{{:​avenuewiki:​avenue.jpg?​nolink&​200x50}}]] [[:​start|{{:​avenuewiki:​avenue.jpg?​nolink&​200x50}}]]
 +<​html><​h1><​b>​***UPDATES:​ PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION ABOUT AVENUE TO LEARN:​***</​br></​br>​ <a href="​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca">​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca</​a></​b></​h1></​br></​br></​br>​ </​html>​
 ====== Assignments (previously known as Dropbox) ====== ====== Assignments (previously known as Dropbox) ======
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 ===== Vendor Documentation ===== ===== Vendor Documentation =====
 +Vendor documentation overview: ​
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 From Turnitin: "Can students trick Turnitin?":​ [[http://​turnitin.com/​en_us/​resources/​blog/​421-general/​1650-can-students-trick-turnitin]] From Turnitin: "Can students trick Turnitin?":​ [[http://​turnitin.com/​en_us/​resources/​blog/​421-general/​1650-can-students-trick-turnitin]]
-===== Avenue Specifics ===== 
-The Assignments tool within your course on Avenue to Learn will allow you to accept digital files of most types, and provide an interface that you can assess those submitted assignments. ​ 
-This video below introduces the Assignments tool: 
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 10. Scroll down to the Save and Close button to save your work and return to your course homepage. 10. Scroll down to the Save and Close button to save your work and return to your course homepage.
-Here is a video to show you those steps:+Here is a video to show you those steps (if you want anonymous marking, refer to the video after this one):
 <​html><​br /></​html>​ <​html><​br /></​html>​
 +**NEW!** To enable or disable anonymous marking:
 +<note important>​**Important:​** With anonymous marking is enabled on an assignment folder, the TA role can't publish feedback/​grades,​ only save it as draft. A user with the instructor role has to go in and publish it.</​note>​
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 ===== Using Turnitin with Assignments ===== ===== Using Turnitin with Assignments =====
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 <​html><​br /></​html> ​ <​html><​br /></​html> ​
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 ===== Grading Assignment Submissions ===== ===== Grading Assignment Submissions =====
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 +===== Add Special Access or Restrictions to an Assignment =====
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
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 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 ---- ----
 +//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or by completing the intake form located at http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​support/​ //
-//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or email support.avenue@cll.mcmaster.ca.//​ 
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