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communication_tools [2017/08/30 20:41]
communication_tools [2018/08/16 11:32] (current)
hartzde [Configuring Discussions]
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 This tool is one of the most effective in communicating with your students as it is the first thing they see once they access your course. You can provide announcements,​ course updates and important information through this tool. This tool is one of the most effective in communicating with your students as it is the first thing they see once they access your course. You can provide announcements,​ course updates and important information through this tool.
-<​html><​br /></​html>​ 
 How to create an announcement item: [[https://​documentation.brightspace.com/​EN/​le/​announcements/​instructor/​create_announcements_item.htm|https://​documentation.brightspace.com/​EN/​le/​announcements/​instructor/​create_announcements_item.htm]] How to create an announcement item: [[https://​documentation.brightspace.com/​EN/​le/​announcements/​instructor/​create_announcements_item.htm|https://​documentation.brightspace.com/​EN/​le/​announcements/​instructor/​create_announcements_item.htm]]
 <​html><​br /></​html>​ <​html><​br /></​html>​
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-The embedded videos below, shows two different ways to mark discussions:​ 
-==Assess from within a Thread== 
-<​html><​br /></​html>​ 
 ==Grade a Topic== ==Grade a Topic==
 <​html><​br /></​html>​ <​html><​br /></​html>​
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