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avenue_e-mail_tool [2015/02/10 10:17]
olteanlo created
avenue_e-mail_tool [2018/01/25 15:36] (current)
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-Avenue to Learn is currently configured to provide users with an email account that they can use to send and receive emails from other users in the system. Users cannot receive emails from external email accounts. For more information about Avenue mail please see the eSupport ​page: [[http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​display.php?ID=766|http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​display.php?ID=766 ]]+Avenue to Learn is currently configured to provide users with an email account that they can use to send and receive emails from other users in the system. Users cannot receive emails from external email accounts. For more information about Avenue mail please see below. 
 +==== About Email ==== 
 +The Email tool allows you to send email from within ​the Avenue to Learn. You can also organize received mail using folders and store email addresses using the Address Book. 
 +Use the options located across the top of the Message List page to access tool features. 
 +^Icon ^Option ^Description | 
 +| \\ {{http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​graphics/​icons/​email_messagelist.png?​nolink&​17x17}} \\  | \\ Message List \\  | \\ Click Message List to return to the message folder last viewed when viewing different email page. \\  | 
 +| \\ {{http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​graphics/​icons/​email_compose.png?nolink&​16x15}} \\  | \\ Compose \\  | \\ Click Compose to create and send emails. \\  | 
 +\\ {{http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​graphics/​icons/​refresh.png?nolink&​17x18}} \\  | \\ Refresh \\  | \\ Click Refresh to reload this page and check for new emails. \\  | 
 +| \\ {{http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​graphics/​icons/​file_management_manage_files.gif?​nolink&​19x19}} \\  | \\ Folder Management \\  | \\ The Folder Management icon takes you to a page where you can sort the messages you receive by saving them in folders you have created and organized. \\  | 
 +| \\ {{http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​help/​graphics/​icons/​settings.png?​nolink&​17x17}} \\  | \\ Settings \\  | \\ Click Settings to open a page where you can customize your email, display, and forwarding options. \\  | 
 +The Filter feature allows you to quickly sort and view your messages (and contacts) by specific course associations,​ by group or section within a course, or, as in the case of contacts, as either personal or course-related. You can also view messages (and contacts) not associated with a course offering, using this feature. 
 +Use the Filter By drop-down list to display your messages by one of the following criteria: 
 +^Filter option ^Result | 
 +| \\ All Course Offerings \\  | \\ Displays messages associated with any course offering. \\  | 
 +| \\ No Course Associations \\  | \\ Displays messages not associated with a course offering. \\  | 
 +| \\ Specific Course Associations (including groups and sections) \\  | \\ Displays messages associated with a specified course. All courses that you are enrolled in and that have email enabled are displayed. \\  \\ Note  Users enrolled in a cascading role can only see the current course offering and its affiliated groups and sections. \\  | 
 +Use the Folder drop-down list to display messages kept in a specific folder. You can also access your Address Book through this list. 
 +The folders are either system-created or created by you. System folders include: Inbox, Drafts, Address Book, Sent Mail, and Trash. 
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