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assessment_-_grades [2017/08/30 21:25]
hartzde [Creating Grade Items]
assessment_-_grades [2020/06/19 10:19] (current)
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 [[:​start|{{:​avenuewiki:​avenue.jpg?​nolink&​200x50}}]] [[:​start|{{:​avenuewiki:​avenue.jpg?​nolink&​200x50}}]]
 +<​html><​h1><​b>​***UPDATES:​ PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION ABOUT AVENUE TO LEARN:​***</​br></​br>​ <a href="​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca">​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca</​a></​b></​h1></​br></​br></​br>​ </​html>​
 ====== Avenue Grades ====== ====== Avenue Grades ======
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   * You will be able to configure the Grades tool to display the grades that are listed in your Course Outline/​Syllabus.   * You will be able to configure the Grades tool to display the grades that are listed in your Course Outline/​Syllabus.
   * You will personalize how the grades in the Grades tool are displayed.   * You will personalize how the grades in the Grades tool are displayed.
-  ​* You will understand the mechanism for exporting a CSV or an Excel spreadsheet to capture the information you will need for a variety of different purposes.+  ​
 Here you will learn how to set up your gradebook, create grade items and input grades. Here you will learn how to set up your gradebook, create grade items and input grades.
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 ====== Entering Grades ===== ====== Entering Grades =====
 <​html><​br /></​html>​ <​html><​br /></​html>​
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 ====== Grades FAQ ===== ====== Grades FAQ =====
 <​html><​br /></​html>​ <​html><​br /></​html>​
 +//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or by completing the intake form located at http://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​support/​ //
-//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or email support.avenue@cll.mcmaster.ca.//​ 
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