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accessibility [2015/02/27 09:45]
accessibility [2020/06/19 10:19] (current)
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 +<​html><​h1><​b>​***UPDATES:​ PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION ABOUT AVENUE TO LEARN:​***</​br></​br>​ <a href="​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca">​https://​avenuehelp.mcmaster.ca</​a></​b></​h1></​br></​br></​br>​ </​html>​
 ====== Accessibility ====== ====== Accessibility ======
-===== Vendor Documentation =====+The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was passed in 2005 with the goal of creating an accessible Ontario by 2025. This legislation is unique because it:
-[[https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​organizing-your-course-accessibly|https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​organizing-your-course-accessibly]]+    * applies to both public and private organizations 
 +    * requires obliged organizations to be proactive in identifying,​ preventing and removing barriers to accessibility 
 +    * shifts the focus from the individual who requires an accommodation and focuses on the obligations of organizations to remove barriers
-[[https://​support.office.com/​en-CA/​article/​creating-accessible-word-documents-d9bf3683-87ac-47ea-b91a-78dcacb3c66d|https://​support.office.com/​en-CA/​article/​creating-accessible-word-documents-d9bf3683-87ac-47ea-b91a-78dcacb3c66d]] -creating accessible word documents+Any course with an online component needs to accessible, starting as of January, 2012Some links are below to help you ensure your course is accessible.
-[[https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​setting-release-conditions-special-access|https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​setting-release-conditions-special-access]]+===== Vendor Documentation =====
 +**About accessible courses:
-[[https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​meeting-web-content-accessibility-standards|https://​documentation.desire2learn.com/​en/​meeting-web-content-accessibility-standards]]+**Add subtitles to video topics**:
 +**Grant Special Access to Users for a Quiz:**
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​
 ===== Avenue Specifics ===== ===== Avenue Specifics =====
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 [[http://​accessibility.mcmaster.ca/​|http://​accessibility.mcmaster.ca/​]] [[http://​accessibility.mcmaster.ca/​|http://​accessibility.mcmaster.ca/​]]
 +===== Closed Captioning =====
 ===== Effective Pedagogical Practices ===== ===== Effective Pedagogical Practices =====
-//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 22911 or email support.avenue@cll.mcmaster.ca.//+<font 9.5pt/​helvetica;;​black font-family:​helvetica;​ font-size:​9.5pt;;#​ffffff>​Please let us know if you have any pedagogical input for this tool.</​font>​ 
 +<​html><​br /></​html>​ 
 +//For questions or concerns, Avenue support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at (905) 525-9140 ext. 23757 or by completing the intake form located at http://avenue.mcmaster.ca/​support/ ​// 
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