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2020_updates [2020/02/06 12:49]
2020_updates [2020/05/25 14:11] (current)
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 +======NEW UPDATES=======
 +Please visit the new Avenue help site for the latest updates:
 +======April 2020 Update======
 +==== Assignments - Assignments page column name ====
 +This feature updates the New column name on the Assignments page to read as New Submissions.
 +====Brightspace Learning Environment - Improvements to Security using a WAF ====
 +To improve cloud environment security, D2L is proactively blocking suspicious requests using a Web App Firewall (WAF).
 +The WAF checks all traffic coming in to Avenue to Learn to match rules. Traffic that matches its rules, which indicate that the traffic is a potential security concern, will not be allowed into the servers. This change helps ensure that suspicious traffic does not reach your environment,​ further reducing the likelihood of an infrastructure-affecting security incident.
 +The WAF checks if the traffic is coming from a site that may be a potential security concern and if the traffic is coming from outside of a client’s region.
 +The second check is in place to avoid the possibility of blocking all traffic from a client in the unlikely event that a customer is negatively impacted by the WAF.
 +Administrators may receive inquiries from users blocked by the WAF. D2L recommends troubleshooting the user’s issue to determine if they are using a proxy or a virtual private network (VPN). If this is not the case, reach out to Avenue Support who will reach out to D2L, to determine if the WAF is blocking legitimate traffic.
 +==== Learning Outcomes - Ability to copy imported and authored Outcomes as reference, Display of Outcome Hierarchy in Alignment picker and Outcomes Progres, Search ====
 +To provide a consistent copy experience, all learning outcomes that are in a course can now be copied to another course. There are two types of learning outcomes that could exist. Those learning outcomes could exist in two possible locations. The first type of outcomes available are imported from ASN (the Achievement Standards Network) and could be imported into a program at the organization level or into a course offering. The second type of outcomes available are custom authored outcomes created at the program level or at the course level. Previously, when a course containing learning outcomes was copied, only imported ASN standards were included in the course copy process.
 +Now, you can copy both authored and imported learning outcomes from a source course to a target course. When selecting to copy outcomes with other course components, all other object references, such as alignment to rubric criteria or achievement scale mapping in the source course, and so on, are copied from the source to the target course as expected.
 +The changes also provide consistency in the editing experience. You can only edit outcomes at the location they originated. For example, if the outcome was authored in a program, it can only be edited in that program; it cannot be edited in the target course. To assist in knowing which learning outcomes can be edited from a user’s current location, there are icons to indicate if an outcome is locked (cannot be edited) or open (can be edited).
 +Note: ASN outcomes cannot be edited, regardless of where they reside
 +Copied outcomes will be copied as a reference (or link) back to the original source course. Any change made to the source outcome is automatically inherited in all target courses. If an outcome is copied to a target course, you cannot delete the outcome at the source without first deleting the outcome from all target courses
 +To increase the value of the Learning Outcomes features, the learning outcomes hierarchy tree is now displayed. It can be collapsed ​ to facilitate finding and using specific outcomes in any assessment activity or rubric where outcomes can be aligned.
 +From the Learning Outcomes list, the user can click on the highest-level outcomes to expand and reveal the child nodes within that outcome. Within the child nodes, administrators and instructors can select one or more leaf-node outcomes to align to their course activity or content page. Selecting any parent level of the hierarchy collapses all child objects under that parent.
 +This nested outcome hierarchy also appears in the Outcomes progress. Each child node displays the typical mini-trend for the progress of outcomes within the node. When a user clicks a specific outcome, the outcomes progress evidence page appears.
 +To increase the value of the Learning Outcomes features, users can now search outcomes list to find the best outcome to align with activities in their courses and programs. To better facilitate the ability to align outcomes to activities, instructors can search and filter to more easily find  and use specific groups of related outcomes in any assessment activity or rubric where outcomes can be aligned. If there is a large list of outcomes available for a program or course, the ability to search can save time and provide a better customer experience. ​
 +When aligning an activity to an outcome in Brightspace Portfolio or in Rubrics, users can enter text or an outcome code in the search bar. The search results include outcome descriptions and codes and highlight the search query words in the results.
 +This search for outcomes also appears in the Outcomes progress. Each child node listed in the search results displays the typical mini-trend for the progress of outcomes within the node. When a user clicks a specific outcome, the outcomes progress evidence page appears.
 +======March 2020 Update======
 +====Announcements – Display author information====
 +To provide more information to users, Announcements now supports displaying author information (name and timestamp) on new and edited announcements. ​
 +====Groups – Set exact time learners can self-enroll====
 +When setting up groups that allow learners to self-enroll,​ instructors can now add an exact time when enrollment opens, and an exact time when self-enrollment expires. Previously, instructors could only set the date when enrollment opened or expired.
 +====Quick Eval – Support for anonymous marking====
 +Assignments created with the Hide student names during assessment option selected now display in Quick Eval’s Submission view with learner names and profile images hidden. Instructors using anonymous marking can access Quick Eval with confidence that it supports their anonymous marking needs.
 +====Rubrics – Confirmation message for partially unevaluated rubrics and Improved accessibility in Rubric grading====
 +To prevent publishing partially unevaluated rubrics, the publishing workflow in the new Rubrics grading experience now includes a confirmation message that warns users when the rubric is not fully evaluated. Instructors have the option to continue publishing, or cancel. Warning messages appear when publishing a rubric for an individual student and when bulk publishing rubrics. Users attempting to publish an incomplete rubric evaluation must now click Publish to complete the workflow. ​
 +In Rubrics, when using keyboard navigation to tab to a row of selectable cells, there is now a focus indicator to help orient users on the page.
 ======February 2020 Update====== ======February 2020 Update======
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 Course Reset permanently deletes the course data and it will not appear in any reporting or data sets after the course reset process is complete. After performing a course reset, an Audit Log maintains a record of the course reset action, including the date and time of the course reset, the data that was selected for deletion, the user who performed the course reset, and any errors that occur during the course reset process. ​ Course Reset permanently deletes the course data and it will not appear in any reporting or data sets after the course reset process is complete. After performing a course reset, an Audit Log maintains a record of the course reset action, including the date and time of the course reset, the data that was selected for deletion, the user who performed the course reset, and any errors that occur during the course reset process. ​
 +<note warning>​If you need your course reset, please put in a ticket with us at https://​avenue.mcmaster.ca/​support/​ requesting the course reset.</​note>​
 ====Grades – Tab delimited import into Gradebook==== ====Grades – Tab delimited import into Gradebook====
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