
While the core learning materials are contained with each of the modules, the additional resources listed below will enrich your understanding of the module topics.

Rural and Remote Practice

Health and Health Care Needs in Rural and Northern Ontario: A Holistic Nursing Perspective

Aboriginal Health

'Aboriginal Medicine Lodge in New Hospital' (Sudbury News, 1:26 minutes)

Cancer Word Book

Journal of Aboriginal Health: Connecting Place, People and Health

Debunking Myths Surrounding Canada's Aboriginal Population (TD Economics)

Oppression: a social determinant of health

Indigenous Holistic Theory: A Knowledge Set for Practice (Kathy Absolon)

Inuit Communities of Canada (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)

Métis Cookbook and Guide to Healthy Living

Métis Nation Statement of Prime Purpose

Ojibwe Medical Dictionary: A Handbook for Health Care Providers