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-[[ Group 1, Presentation 1 - Diabetes & Metformin]] + 
-===  === +[[2014-2015]] 
-[[ Group 2, Presentation 1 - Parkinson'​s Disease]] + 
-===  === +[[2015-2016]] 
-[[ Group 3, Presentation 1 - Sleep Apnea]] + 
-===  === +[[2016-2017]] 
-[[ Group 4, Presentation 1 - Cellulases and Biofuels]] + 
-=== === +[[2017-2018]] 
-[[ Group 5, Presentation 1 - Exercise supplements]] + 
-=== === +[[2018-2019]] 
-[[ Group 6, Presentation 1 - Facial Regeneration (Biomask)]] + 
-===  === +[[2019-2020]] 
-===  === +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 1, Presentation 2 - Ebola]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 2, Presentation 2 - Cystic Fibrosis]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 3, Presentation 2 - Chagas disease]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 4, Presentation 2 - USP18 HEP C]] +
-=== === +
-[[ Group 5, Presentation 2 - Entero Virus 68]] +
-=== === +
-[[ Group 6, Presentation 2 - Male contraception]] +
-===  === +
-===  === +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 1, Presentation 3 Artificial Fertilization]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 2, Presentation 3 Atrial Septal Defect]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 3, Presentation 3 DNA fingerprinting]] +
-===  === +
-[[ Group 4, Presentation 3 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)]] +
-=== === +
-[[ Group 5, Presentation 3 Homosexuality]] +
-=== === +
-[[ Group 6, Presentation 3 Fibrous Dysplasia]] +
-===  ===+
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