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group_3_presentation_2_-_lsd_s_lysergic_acid_diethylamide_effect_on_the_brain [2017/11/03 00:08]
hamidy2 [Additional Resources]
group_3_presentation_2_-_lsd_s_lysergic_acid_diethylamide_effect_on_the_brain [2018/01/25 15:18] (current)
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 Figure 4 Source: https://​www.recovery.org/​topics/​lsd-facts/​ Figure 4 Source: https://​www.recovery.org/​topics/​lsd-facts/​
 **Figure 4: Some of the potential side-effects of LSD usage.** **Figure 4: Some of the potential side-effects of LSD usage.**
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-====== ​Society and Culture ​====== ​   ​+====== ​Social Implications ​====== ​   ​
 ====== Research / Applications ====== ====== Research / Applications ======
 +LSD was studied and researched heavily in the 1950’s and 1960’s (Morgan et al., 2017). During this time frame there was the release of more than 1000 academic papers and the publication of several dozen books all on the use of LSD for therapeutic purposes particularly in the field of psychotherapeutics (Morgan et al., 2017). In the 1960’s cultural and government backlash lead to the classification of LSD as a schedule I drug which resulted in the abandonment of research in both universities and commercial laboratories (Morgan et al., 2017). ​ Laws limiting research on LSD remained strict until the late 90’s and experimentation/​testing in humans was not allowed until 2009 which has since revitalized LSD research (Nichols, 2016). All previous research from the 50’s-60’s is considered invalid due to the lack of scientific process being used, small sample sizes, lack of technology and biases on researchers who either heavily sided with or were against LSD use (Nichols, 2016). Several of the studies done decades ago are now being re-done insuring accurate results in additional to new studies looking at the effects of LCD on the human brain and how it can help with a variety of human troubles varying from physical, to psychological and emotional (Morgan et al., 2017. 
 +**LSD Treatment for Alcoholism:​**
 +A recent meta-analysis combined the results of 6 randomised controlled trails which assessed the efficacy of LSD as potential treatment for alcoholism (Krebs & Johansen, 2012). The total of 536 participants who were all administrated for alcohol abuse was given either up to 50 micro grams of LCD (significantly less than the normal dosage) or a placebo (control group) on a regular schedule (Krebs & Johansen, 2012). During the testing timeframe all participants would also undergo normal alcohol abuse therapy. All participants would be regularly checked on and would self-report with milestone checks for short-term (3 months), medium-term (6 months) and in the long-term (12 months). At the 3 month mark 59% of active treatment participants showed reliable improvement,​ meaning they were consuming less alcohol and showed improved results in therapy (Krebs & Johansen, 2012). This was significantly higher than the control groups in which case only 39% demonstrated the same improvement (Krebs & Johansen, 2012). At the 6 month mark this difference drops but is still very much present. However, by the long-term 12 month check the benefits seen before were not maintained and most participants regained their old habits or plateaued without full recovery (Krebs & Johansen, 2012).  ​
 +**LSD Treatment for Opioid and Other Drug Addictions:​**
 +The recent tests were designed similar to the studies done with participants with alcohol addictions were done with those with opioid addictions as well as other drug addictions such as cocaine and heroin (Pisano et al., 2017). The results of such tests were not as positive as those done with alcoholism (Pisano et al., 2017)
 +. In the short term those given LSD demonstrated a significant improvement compared to control groups in the same study but the effectiveness dropped considerably well before the 6 month mid-term point (Pisano et al., 2017). ​
 +**New Technology and Learning Effects on Brain Mechanisms:​**
 +In the last few years studies have started on the acute effects of LSD on brain mechanisms in healthy individuals (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). These individuals have no form of mental illness, no substance abuse issues and are of moderate intelligence (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). Society is more capable of studying such mechanisms due to the betterment of technology and better research skills (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). In the 60’s and 70’s researchers were limited to electroencephalography (EEG) but now have the ability to use emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which are both considered more effective (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). Many studies are currently using such methods to understand the true effects of LSD on different parts of the brain in order to be able to better find potential suitable uses for LSD (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). One such study used a comprehensive placebo-controlled neuroimaging design to look at which parts of are activated beyond normal levels. 20 healthy patients attended 2 scanning days, 2 weeks apart in a balanced-order,​ within-subject design for both LSD and placebo (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). Drug/​placebo was administrated to all participants. During the sessions both an fMRI and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) were done multiple times before drug activation, while the drug is working as well as well after the effects of the drug have worn off. While the LSD was in effect participants would note down eyes-closed visual hallucinations and the complexity of such visuals (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). ​ When looking at the end results there was significant difference in cerebral blood flow (CBF) with certain portion of the brain (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). Greater CBF was observed under LSD in the visual cortex compared to the placebo group. The magnitude of such increases correlated positively with participants ratings on the complex imagery during their altered state of consciousness (ASC) while under LSD (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). This would indicate that the visual cortex has a key role in the effects of LSD and that LSD has the capabilities of upregulated its activity. Similar tests have been done all a multitude of other brain parts (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016). ​
 +Source of Figure 5: http://​www.pnas.org/​content/​113/​17/​4853.full
 +**Figure 5: An image of the produced results from Carhart-Harris et al. 2016 experiment looking at CBF in the brain and the visual cortex.**
 +**LSD Studies with Optimism/​Openness/​ Creativity/​Imagination:​**
 +As recent as 2016 studies have occurred looking at the potential impact of LSD on increasing human optimism, openness, creativity and imagination after the use of LSD (Lebdev et al., 2016). ​ Throughout history many celebrities,​ inventors and artists have claimed that using LSD helped in their career success. Researchers today want to know if LSD can truly increase brain functions that would led to such success (Lebdev et al., 2016). Testing such factors is often very difficult due to not have a specific scale to measure them with and due to self-report of the participants (Lebdev et al., 2016). However, the testing that has been done have garnered rather positive positives. In one study of note 20 random healthy volunteers received 75 micro-grams of LSD and were asked to come back in 2 weeks later (Lebdev et al., 2016). After, the two weeks had passed all 20 volunteers scored higher on optimism, openness, creativity and imagination tests than they did before taking the LSD. It is also of note that such results hold true even with micro-dosing in which only 1/10 of the usual dosage is required (Lebdev et al., 2016). ​ Although such results cannot be taken as scientific fact it has opened the door to further tests as well as further research of LSD as a potential anxiety medication or pain suppressor (Lebdev et al., 2016). ​
 +Another interesting experiment looking at the effects of LSD on such traits was done with a single artist (Savage & McCabe, 1973). The artist was given recreational amounts of LSD and was told to draw the researchers ever 10-15 minutes exactly as he saw him. The results of this experiment can be seen in Figure 6 (Savage & McCabe, 1973). ​
 +Figure 6 Source: http://​www.openculture.com/​2013/​10/​artist-draws-nine-portraits-on-lsd-during-1950s-research-experiment.html
 +**Figure 6: The images drawn by the artist (participant) in the 1973 experiment.**
 +**LSD Treatment for End-of-Life Anxiety/​Pain:​**
 +In Switzerland there is research ongoing since 2008 that is looking into using LSD to alleviate anxiety for patients who are terminally ill with cancer in order to cope with their impending deaths (Gasser et al., 2014). The preliminary results of the study are promising and many in the field are excited about the next steps of the treatment. One study found that  12 months after LCD treatment, patients reported a significant reduction in anxiety and a rise in their quality of life with many of the patients stating the treatment helped them change their habits, see the world in a another view as well coming to the realization that death is a part of life (Gasser et al., 2014). Another test looking at the short-term impact of LCD treatments compared the heart rates and blood pressures post LSD treatment between experimental and placebo groups as such variables when abnormally high are strong indicators of anxiety/​stress (Gasser et al., 2014). In this group of 12, the 8 experimental participants had significantly lower heart rates and blood pressures than the 4 in the placebo groups immediately after in taking the treatment as well as 4 hours and 8 hours later (Gasser et al., 2014). Through the several studies no negative effects have been reported in the patients. Such results have opened the door for researchers to test LSD with those who are depressed, have phobias, OCD and other anxiety driven psychological issues (Gasser et al., 2014). ​
 +Figure 7 Source: https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pmc/​articles/​PMC4086777/ ​
 +{{:​cookie.jpg?​800|}} ​
 +**Figure 7: HR and BP results results of the Gasser et al., 2014 experiment with terminally ill cancer patients.**
 +**LSD Treatment for Cluster Headaches:​**
 +Cluster headache is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring and frequent severe headaches (Passie et al., 2008). These occur on only one side of the head and occur for the most part around the eye (Passie et al., 2008). Only 0.1% of the population experience these in their lifetime (Passie et al., 2008). They are described as feeling worse than natural childbirth or amputation without anesthetics (Passie et al., 2008). There is no treatment for such headaches and using normal pain-killers have caused the pains to increase in severity. Case-reports have indicated that LSD can reduce cluster pain as well as interrupt the cluster-headache cycle preventing future headaches from occurring (Passie et al., 2008). The mechanism of how cluster headaches come about is not well known and thus the effects LSD have on them are also not known but a correlation does seem to exist (Passie et al., 2008). A 2006 study by researchers looked at 53 cluster headache sufferers who were treated with LSD and a majority of the participants reported beneficial effects (Passie et al., 2008). It seems as though for LSD to have a beneficial effect sub-psychedelic dosages are needed. Currently a dose-response study testing the effectiveness of LSD is being conducted (Passie et al., 2008).
 ====== Additional Resources ====== ====== Additional Resources ======
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 MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) was founded in 1986 (MAPS, 2017). MAPS is a non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the use of psychedelics and marijuana safely (MAPS, 2017). This includes LSD. The site is a great way to obtain information of LCD, look into current research/​projects,​ donate, ask questions and a way to keep up with any news regarding the drugs on hand. MAPS does not push for illegal usage of drugs but rather pushes for safe, legal and beneficial use of drugs such as LSD (MAPS, 2017). ​ MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) was founded in 1986 (MAPS, 2017). MAPS is a non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the use of psychedelics and marijuana safely (MAPS, 2017). This includes LSD. The site is a great way to obtain information of LCD, look into current research/​projects,​ donate, ask questions and a way to keep up with any news regarding the drugs on hand. MAPS does not push for illegal usage of drugs but rather pushes for safe, legal and beneficial use of drugs such as LSD (MAPS, 2017). ​
-**LCD Addiction and Abuse Help:**+**LSD Addiction and Abuse Help:**
 For those using LSD and are abusing its use there are plenty of ways to go about getting help (Hermann, 2016). Most local abuse therapy centres or clinics should cover LSD usage issues and help as much as possible (Hermann, 2016). There are also LSD recovery centers for those in more dire situations. Even though LSD is not addictive many people are unable to stop using LSD and/or are no longer satisfied with life outside LSD (Passie et al., 2008). LSD risks can also occur as a vast majority of users if not under control will start taking far more dangerous drugs or will began experimenting (Passie et al., 2008).. There are also a variety of credible websites that can help someone stop LSD usage by following specific instructions (Hermann, 2016). Example: https://​www.recovery.org/​topics/​quitting-lsd/​. LSD rehab can include support groups, behavioral therapy and even family therapy. For those using LSD and are abusing its use there are plenty of ways to go about getting help (Hermann, 2016). Most local abuse therapy centres or clinics should cover LSD usage issues and help as much as possible (Hermann, 2016). There are also LSD recovery centers for those in more dire situations. Even though LSD is not addictive many people are unable to stop using LSD and/or are no longer satisfied with life outside LSD (Passie et al., 2008). LSD risks can also occur as a vast majority of users if not under control will start taking far more dangerous drugs or will began experimenting (Passie et al., 2008).. There are also a variety of credible websites that can help someone stop LSD usage by following specific instructions (Hermann, 2016). Example: https://​www.recovery.org/​topics/​quitting-lsd/​. LSD rehab can include support groups, behavioral therapy and even family therapy.
 ====== Conclusion ====== ====== Conclusion ======
 +In conclusion LSD is a psychedelic that drug alters cognition, perception acts as an hallucinogen(Blachford & Krapp, 2010). LSD usage which peaked in the 1960's has seen a vast decrease in its usage for all age groups (Krebs & Johansen, 2013). The key biochemical property of LSD is that its structure is very similar to that of serotonin which allows it to behave and react in a very similar manner as serotonin such as binding to the same receptors (Li & Wang, 1998). Under LSD a wide range of symptoms and effects occur including some parts of the brain being more connected to other parts becoming less connected(Das et al., 2016). Symptoms vary depending the individual and the amount taken (NIDA, 2016). LSD usages are strictly limited to recreational use but current research such as; LSD Treatment for Alcoholism, LSD Treatment for Opioid and Other Drug Addictions, LSD Studies with Optimism/​Openness/​ Creativity/​Imagination,​ LSD Treatment for End-of-Life Anxiety/​Pain and LSD Treatment for Cluster Headaches have started opening the door for LSD to be used in more important ways. It is important to educate oneself with such drugs as with every positive feature comes many negative ones. MAPS is a great organization to look into in order to obtain such new information (MAPS, 2017). It is still recommended to avoid doing illegal drugs such as LSD to avoid the emotional, physically and economic damages that can occur especially if a state of abuse occurs.  ​
 ====== References ====== ====== References ======
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