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group_2_presentation_1_-_scabies [2019/02/01 23:32]
group_2_presentation_1_-_scabies [2019/04/05 17:50] (current)
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 ====== INTRODUCTION ====== ====== INTRODUCTION ======
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 Medications used for treating scabies are called scabicides and are only available with a doctor’s prescription. Currently, no “over-the-counter” products have been tested or approved. The medication is generally applied topically or taken orally (CDC, 2018). ​ Medications used for treating scabies are called scabicides and are only available with a doctor’s prescription. Currently, no “over-the-counter” products have been tested or approved. The medication is generally applied topically or taken orally (CDC, 2018). ​
-A topical treatment is applied to all skin regions from the neck down, as well as the head of infants or individuals who are bald (CDC, 2018). Before applying the medication, the skin should be clean, dry, and cool. The medicine should be left for the recommended amount of time (8 to 12 hours) for it to be effective and clean clothing should be worn (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). A second application may be required after 7 to 14 days. The doctor will also sometimes prescribe antihistamines,​ pramoxine lotions, and/or steroid creams to control the itching and antibiotics for infections (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, since treating the skin more often than instructed can worsen the rash and itching. Itching may continue for several weeks after treatment even if all the mites and eggs are killed (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). Retreatment may be necessary if the symptoms persist for more than 2 to 4 weeks after the first treatment or new burrows or rashes appear (CDC, 2018). Treatment failures are uncommon but may occur due to improper or inadequate application,​ resistance, or re-infestation. ​ Pregnant and lactating women, infants, and young children less than 2 years of age should be treated for scabies only if the benefit exceeds ​the risk and if the diagnosis is confirmed ​(Karthikeyan,​ 2005).+A topical treatment is applied to all skin regions from the neck down, as well as the head of infants or individuals who are bald (CDC, 2018). Before applying the medication, the skin should be clean, dry, and cool. The medicine should be left for the recommended amount of time (8 to 12 hours) for it to be effective and clean clothing should be worn (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). A second application may be required after 7 to 14 days. The doctor will also sometimes prescribe antihistamines,​ pramoxine lotions, and/or steroid creams to control the itching and antibiotics for infections (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, since treating the skin more often than instructed can worsen the rash and itching. Itching may continue for several weeks after treatment even if all the mites and eggs are killed (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). Retreatment may be necessary if the symptoms persist for more than 2 to 4 weeks after the first treatment or new burrows or rashes appear (CDC, 2018). Treatment failures are uncommon but may occur due to inadequate application,​ resistance, or re-infestation. ​ Pregnant and lactating women, infants, and young children less than 2 years of age should be treated for scabies only if the benefits exceed ​the risks and if instructed by a doctor ​(Karthikeyan,​ 2005).
-The drug of choice is permethrin ​followed by lindane ​and benzyl benzoate ​(Karthikeyan,​ 2005). Crusted scabies may require several treatments with scabicides and sometimes several different medications used sequentially. Ivermectin is now emerging as an effective oral drug that is safe to use adults and can also treat crusted scabies (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). However, Lindane and benzyl benzoate ​still holds popularity in the developing world since permethrin ​is expensive. ​+The best drug of choice is Permethrin ​followed by Lindane ​and Benzyl Benzoate ​(Karthikeyan,​ 2005). Crusted scabies may require several treatments with scabicides and sometimes several different medications used sequentially. Ivermectin is now emerging as an effective oral drug that is safe to use for adults and can also treat crusted scabies (Karthikeyan,​ 2005). However, Lindane and Benzyl Benzoate ​still holds popularity in the developing world since Permethrin ​is expensive. ​
 <box 70% round | > {{ :​playground:​table.jpg?​700 |}} </box| Figure 6:The various topical and oral medications currently used for treating scabies. (Information retrieved from: Esdepallethrine,​ 2016; Ivermectin Topical, n.d.; Karthikeyan,​ 2005)> <box 70% round | > {{ :​playground:​table.jpg?​700 |}} </box| Figure 6:The various topical and oral medications currently used for treating scabies. (Information retrieved from: Esdepallethrine,​ 2016; Ivermectin Topical, n.d.; Karthikeyan,​ 2005)>
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