====== Presentation ====== {{ youtube>large:EeqQjQiWCSE }} ====== Introduction ====== ====== Epidemiology ====== ====== Pathophysiology ====== ===== Signs ===== ===== Symptoms ===== ====== Mechanism of Action ====== ===== Growth of Fetus and Malnutrition ===== ===== Neural Development ===== ====== Medicinal Treatment ====== ====== Other Types of Treatment ====== ===== Introduction ===== ===== Protective Factors ===== ===== Behaviour and Education Therapy ===== * Good Buddies: an intervention that uses a group setting to teach children with FASD appropriate social skills for their age group.[23] * Families Moving Forward (FMF): an intervention intended to provide support for children displaying more severe and significant behaviour problems.[24] * Math Interactive Learning Experience (MILE): an intervention that helps to improve the child’s mathematical knowledge and skills because it is a consistently reported deficit of children with FASD.[25] * Parents and Children Together (PACT): an intervention that focuses on improving behaviour regulation and executive functions which include planning, organizing, and understanding.[26] Although there are multiple therapies these have been scientifically studied and have been effective in children. ===== Parent Training ===== * This is often a program offered by therapists to educate parents about their child’s disability and providing different approaches to interact, engage, and teach their children.[22] * Some tips include: concentrating on the child’s strength, being consistent with everything, and accepting the child’s limitations.[22] ===== Alternative Approaches ===== These are untested therapies that are also provided to assist with FASD.[22] * Biofeedback * Auditory Training * Relaxation Therapy * Creative Art Therapy * Yoga and Exercise * Acupuncture and acupressure * Massage, Reiki and energy healing * Vitamins, Herbal Supplements, and Homeopathy * Animal-Assisted Therapy ====== Conclusion ====== ====== References ====== [1] Susan J. 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