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-{{:julia_understanding_academic_misconduct_cjhe_2006.pdf| Understanding Academic Misconduct}} //Julia M. Christensen Hughes//+Christensen Hughes, J., McCabe D.L. (2006).  Understanding academic misconduct.  Canadian Journal of Higher Education.  36(1) 49-63.
-{{:new_slide_design_to_teach_science_and_engineering.pdf|Pilot Testing of a New Design for Presentation Slides to Teach Science and Engineering}} //Alley, Schreiber, & Muffo//+Alley, Michael, Madeline Schreiber, and John Muffo, "Pilot Testing of a New Design of Presentation Slides to Teach Science and Engineering," 2005 Frontiers in Education Conference, paper 1213 (Indianapolis, IN: ASEE/IEEE, October 2005).
-{{:biology_pbl.pdf|Problem-Based Learning: Using Ill-Structured Problems in Biology Project Work}} //Chin & Chia//+Chin, C.& Chia, L.G. (2006). Problem-Based Learning:Using Ill-Structured Problems in Biology Project Work. Science Education, 90:44-67
-{{:effect_of_pbl_in_science_education.pdf|The Effects of Problem-Based Active Learning in Science Education on Students’ Academic Achievement, Attitude and Concept Learning}} //Akınoğlu & Tandoğan//+  
 +Akınoğlu, O & Tandoğan, R.O.(2007). The Effects of Problem-Based Active Learning in Science Education on Students' Academic Achievement, Attitude and Concept Learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 3(1):71-81.
-{{:2008-horizon-report_learning_games.pdf|}}+Xiaoyan, X. (2004). Applying student-centred strategies in the course of //Environmental Biology//. The China Papers, 3:50-54.
-{{:pbl_in_biology.pdf|}}+Individual copies of these papers are available in the CLL. 
 +"Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism" by Robert Harris (2002, Pyrczak Publishing) //Innis Library LB 2369.H32 2002// 
 +"The Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting and Dealing with Plagiarism" by Robert Harris (2001, Pyrczak Publishing) //Innis Library PN 167.H37 2001.//

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