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 +===== Upcoming Events =====
 +Check out this link for useful information for TAs on Academic Integrity: http://mcmaster.ca/academicintegrity/instructors/tas.html
===== Literature & Suggested Reading ===== ===== Literature & Suggested Reading =====
-Members are invited to contribute articles and other publications of interest by uploading and posting them to the [[TAN Literature Page]] +The CLL published its first newsletter on March 10th. Check it out for the latest CLL news and information:  
 +Check on this neat article from the New York Times on great teaching as something you learn:  
 +Members are invited to contribute articles and other publications of interest by posting a link to them or inserting the reference on the [[TAN Literature Page]]
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-CLL provides various [[teaching resources]] that can help you improve your abilities as TA. +CLL provides various [[teaching resources]] that can help you improve your abilities as TA. Follow this link to find resources on discussions, plagiarism, and more!
Something all TAs may be interested in sharing with new students, especially if they will have to write a paper for the course, is the University of Indiana's[[http://www.indiana.edu/~tedfrick/plagiarism/index2.html| quiz on plagiarism]]  that gives great examples and tells you why if you have picked the wrong multiple choice answer. Something all TAs may be interested in sharing with new students, especially if they will have to write a paper for the course, is the University of Indiana's[[http://www.indiana.edu/~tedfrick/plagiarism/index2.html| quiz on plagiarism]]  that gives great examples and tells you why if you have picked the wrong multiple choice answer.
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Had problems with difficult situations in your classes/labs/tutorials? You may want to watch this presentation on [[http://www.ltrc.mcmaster.ca/cllseminars/Dealing%20with%20Challenging%20Students/player.html| Dealing With Challenging Students]] by Dr. Lovaye Kajiura of McMaster's Biology Department. Had problems with difficult situations in your classes/labs/tutorials? You may want to watch this presentation on [[http://www.ltrc.mcmaster.ca/cllseminars/Dealing%20with%20Challenging%20Students/player.html| Dealing With Challenging Students]] by Dr. Lovaye Kajiura of McMaster's Biology Department.
-===== TA Day =====+===== Graduate Student Day: An Exploration of Teaching and Learning =====
-TA day is scheduled for September 9, 2009. Potential workshops will include “How to Manage Conflict, Anger and Emotion in the Classroom”, “Active Learning”, “Motivating Students”, “The First Tutorial”, “Making Effective Presentations”, “Teaching in a Different Culture”, “Self-Directed Learning”, “Marking Essays”, “Labs and Tutorials in Science and Engineering”, “Stimulating Discussions”, “Marking Assigned Problems and Lab Reports”. Suggestions for new workshops will also be considered. +Graduate Student Day (formerly TA Day) was held September 9, 2009. Over 700 attendees participated in workshops such as "The First Tutorial", "Motivating Students", "Marking Essays", and "Lesson Planning for Different Learning Styles". Participants could also have attended one of the two panel discussions, entitled "What do TAs Actually Do?" and "Entering the Academic Profession". The workshops and panels were well received, stay tuned for more info on the day.
-[[http://http://www.mcmaster.ca/cll/programs.and.services/ta.program/ta.day/2009/index.htm|TA Day 2009]] +Three of our presenters have offered slides of their presentations for posting here. Also, for those of you unable to attend the sessions, copies of the CDs containing workshop resources are available in the CLL. 
===== TAN Meetings & Contact Information ===== ===== TAN Meetings & Contact Information =====
Meeting Notes: Meeting Notes:
 +Next meeting to be held on OCTOBER 15th at 9:30 in T-13, Rm 111. See you there!
[[April 16, 2009]] [[April 16, 2009]]
-8-) For more information on the TA network contact Terry McCurdy at gradnet@mcmaster.ca or extension 24368+8-) For more information on the TA network contact Erin Aspenlieder at gradnet@mcmaster.ca or extension 24368

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